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How long until there are dead simple Mastodon-instance-as-a-service providers? Does this already exist?

How long until Google and Microsoft launch their own Fediverse instances and give people one-click opt-in to a Mastodon-like experience?

If ActivityPub is basically an email-like protocol, then hosting someone's Fediverse identity is pretty similar to giving them an email account, right?

Any reason to think this is a bad idea for them (other than the moderation problem)?

Is there a concept of communities, independent of instances?

Instances seem to coarse-grained.

Hash tags are kind of close, except there's no ability to moderate a hash tag.

@debirdify Also, it would be cool to be able to filter out people I already follow on Mastodon.

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I just discovered that in the Notifications tab, I can turn off the "Play Sounds" and keep Favorites out of my notifications. Love this. I think the dopamine rush of new likes and counters is one of the harmful things from a lot of commercial social media.

@debirdify Is there a good way to auto-follow everyone found by Debirdify from a given Mastodon account? That would be super helpful. Not sure if Mastodon has a good way to import follower lists or an API that can be used to create new follows on an account (with the appropriate auth controls).


Although I decided not to actively participate on Twitter after the Elon purchase, I still spend a lot of time lurking Twitter, because it very efficiently serves up stuff I find interesting and informative.

But I've replicated a sizable portion of the people I followed there on here, I think that it's very likely that Mastodon can supplant that for me. Hopefully with improvements.

A thread from a former Twitter designer and longtime Mastodon user that raises an important point: for most people, algorithms are good.

They make reading more enjoyable. They help users discover new and/or important content that would've been overlooked or never seen in a chronological timeline.

IMHO, there's a huge unmet need for not just one algorithm, but customizable algorithms with adjustable factors.

I remember discovering the song when it appeared in the show Legion, perfectly scoring one of the more visually stunning scenes in Season 1.

I remember thinking, this song is amazing and sounds like Radiohead, but surely such an amazing Radiohead song couldn't have escaped my notice. Wrong! (if you don't like scenes of destruction, don't watch)

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Radiohead is a rare album-oriented band who creates masterpiece songs that aren't even on their albums.

I'm currently marveling over the song The Daily Mail.

It goes from kind of mournful to dripping with venom in the breakdown. I love the composition, the drums, the vocal delivery, and the lyrics. Like so many Radiohead songs, my biggest problem with it is that there isn't enough of it.

@lucifargundam Your profile says to ask about your keyboard. What's up with your keyboard? 😁

I admire/envy people who can think of something they want to accomplish, just do it, and then reap the benefits.

For whatever reason, I don't seem to be built that way. I'm good at many other things, but churning out completed work is just not one of them.

If someone's holding on to your money for you or guaranteeing the value of some token you're using, and they're not rigorously audited or regulated, there's a pretty good chance they're going to lose your money.

I feel like this lesson is going to continue to be taught every couple years.

Apropos of nothing, I suddenly realized in Super Troopers, the man who gets pulled over by the cop playing the meow game is played by Jim Gaffigan. I haven't watched this movie in 10+ years.

I have to say, my initial experience on here is much better, in most ways, than my initial experience on Twitter.

I don't think most people who have a Twitter following know how hard it is to get any sort of interaction on there from a fresh start, if you're not prominent already.

Anyone have a really good cross-platform Fediverse browser? Ideally, it let's me follow several servers as though they were my local instance and also post/reply from this account.

When it came time to reckon with social media’s failings, nobody ran to the “web3” platforms. Nobody asked “can I get paid per message”? Nobody asked about the blockchain. The community of people who’ve been quietly doing this work for years (decades!) ended up being the ones who welcomed everyone over, as always.

FTX blowing up shouldn't be really shocking. At this point, people should assume that nearly all centralized platforms will eventually blow up and nearly all decentralized platforms will eventually be hacked or rug-pulled.

Tumblr maybe becoming an activitypub federating tool (and going open source) is super cool

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.