As someone living in socialized healthcare, and who has lived with socialized healthcare in about a dozen countries, just a reminder:

Socialized Healthcare is a broken and backwards system

inb4: No I am not promoting the american healthcare system. It may fix or address the parts that are broken in socialized healthcare, but it has its own problems… There are solutions (though no one talks about it) that doesnt resemble either of these failed systems.

Problems I have repeatidly faced both here and in other socialized health care countries:

  • Abusive wait times leading to unnecessary suffering and in my case surgery that wouldnt have been needed if I had prompter care.

  • Lack of access to many prescriptions - (I have had at least a dozen medicines I couldnt get because the cost would be too much of a burden to a socialized system).

  • Monopolies making unfair and abusive rules to line their pockets at the expense of patients (A good example of this is melatonin being a prescription in Israel due to a pharmecutical monopoly).

  • Lack of privacy / anonymity - Since everything is registered through centralized systems (usually) there is no way for you to hide or keep private your medical records. In the USA I would pay cash for prescriptions I dont want on record, not really an option in socialized systems.

@bot I am not sure I would pick that particular language, but short answer, yes.. I think anyone too poor to afford health insurance should have it provided by the government along with tools to get them out of poverty.

I dont like the word "entitled" here, however and prefer to say that it is in the best interest of society to look after those in society who are struggling.

@freemo @bot Interesting.

I don't think the government should be forced to provide folks with healthcare, but a government's competence should be judged on their ability to enhance the economy to the point where healthcare is affordable for everyone.

If health care is too expensive, it gets inaccessible, but if it's too cheap, the quality suffers and the system eventually crumbles.

I don’t think anyone is entitled to anything, but I think it’s ok for the government to provide it if someone is legitimately disabled (not just some fat useless mobility scooter hog) and doesn’t have any resources. Otherwise it is just socialised healthcare, though “insurance” is also cancer.

@bot @freemo The problem is that you'd have to quantify "legitimately disabled", and things that are quantified can be somewhat gamified and exploited, and a program where entry is easy can just as easily become overwhelmed


I just dont think letting people die for being poor, even if they are lazy, is going to give us the best society for all involved.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot

"History will judge societies and governments — and their institutions — not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless."

~César Chávez

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , I honestly have no idea. I susp[ect it is education, and the teaching of ethics and logic in schools that is the base knowledge needed to address the healthcare problem.


@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot Teaching ethics implies a functioning education system.
I do not know where you are from, but from where i live this sounds ludicrous.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , I find the idea of a functioning education system rather attractive. I can't picture how I wouldn't. If you expect that where I live HAS such, no, it doesn't. I think it SHOULD. This opinion of mine doesn't change with any contact or lack thereof with any education system.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , when I quoted César Chávez? No. I think he made the absolutely correct word choice when he said history WILL judge, not "should".

@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot So he is a hopeless romantic? I do not see what would make history, as written by the most horrible people we can imagine, do that. They should, though.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , should or should not is irrelevant. It WILL happen. There is nothing save a mass extinction event that will change this. People right now "should" accept this fact... And I suggest we/they act accordingly. We WILL be judged.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot I am honestly confused as to what point you are trying to make. It was just a quote that I think encapsulates the moral issue in a way we can all understand. We don't judge ancient Rome for how they treated the rich, but for how they treated the Christians. We don't judge 1920s Japan for how they treated their emperor, but for the rape of Nanking. Chavez pointed out a very real thing. There is nothing hopelessly romantic about his statement.

@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot I am pointing out that reality is cruel. What you describe is nice, but not realistic.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot Nanking, the Christians tossed to lions... I see nothing 'nice' in the examples I used, and I HIGHLY doubt Chavez was thinking about Iceland's healthcare system when warning that history will judge us for our actions.

I think you are misreading my words, or intent.

@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot You said "History will judge societies and governments — and their institutions — not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor and the helpless."
How much do you think there is a force that cares for the poor?
If you think there is, why are the poor suffering? Is that force powerless? Or is that force a liar, not really caring?

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , I'm lost. That is a quote. I didn't say it, I repeated it. And there is nothing 'nice' about it. I honestly don't know what you are trying to present to me.

@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot The quote represented a hope, a nice thing. I just cannot see how that hope was realistic. I was wondering if you wished for the world to be this well, closing your eyes or if you had any drive to make it so.
I do not wish to hurt you, but i was confused if you were one of the people saying all is right, look the other way.
From what i see now, you are not a bad person. I do not want you to feel bad, but the enthusiasm of that quote eludes me.
If you want to build a better world, i would be all for it and contribute. But i cannot see it now, do you have any idea of how we could make it so?

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , no, the quote is NOT a nice thing, it is purely a warning, that we will be judged. That judgement will not go easy on anyone who doesn't treat the poor well. I don't know how you can misread it so. All you need do is look at how we have judged all societies in our past to understand this isn't a warning that we will look kindly on any society that mistreats the poor. It is, simply, a statement of fact. We will be judged. Period. It is up to us HOW we will be judged, and part of the criteria will be 'how we treat the poor, and not the rich.'

@JonKramer @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot Dudebro, who would judge me?
Who ever could?
I will read your many words tomorrow, but for now... why would i surrender to any force that cannot compell me properly?

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot I am judging you right now... I don't care if you surrender or not though, regardless of my abilities.

@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo @realcaseyrollins @bot , as for how we can make the world better, I offered a suggestion. Education in logic and ethics. I stand by those words.

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