My top 3 criteria for picking who I vote for this year will be:

1) Is not Biden
2) Is not Trump
3) Of whoever is left, the most honest, compassionate, and least racist/sexist choice.


I would say the same about voting for a major party. In not a single election would your vote have changed the outcome, ever. So why do it?

Moreover, if we just look at the significance of your vote, you are a larger percentage of the vote when voting for a third party than when voting for a primary party. Something on the order of 50x **more** impactful when voting for a third party than a primary party in percentage of the vote you account for.

Moreover while not winning or winning for a primary has little effect from your vote, with a third party even loosing has a positive outcome. By swinging the % higher (which you do wtih 50x more effect) you are sending a message even when you loose by raising the % enabling third-party more likely access, exposure, and chance to win in the future.

@freemo @LouisIngenthron You do realize you are arguing for anarchy and human cooperation here? Over people having power over others?

Agreeing would mean just that, only talking to each other free of any state or authority could help.


Anarchy as a distilled idea would not have voting. I think you are thinking of libertarianism not anarchy.

Yes I realize I lean most strongly towards libertarianism.

Human cooperation is just a fancy word for democracy, which I also approve.



Ideas cant be coopted.. thats like saying "being nice has been coopted by people trying to pretend to be nice by being evil, so you shouldnt proclaim you are nice!"... It makes no sense, you cant coopt ideas, full stop.


@freemo @LouisIngenthron Free speech means torturing turtles!

Now, what did i just do? Would this mean anything if 90% of people would associate torturing turtles with free speach? Is what i just did different from what i described as coopting?


And if you then say "free speech has been coopted by turtle torturers" would be you perpetuating their agenda.


@freemo @LouisIngenthron Exactly. Speaking lies has an effect.
This effect is working now, any many words are regarded as something else than intended.

Which is why free speech and communication are important. Clear up the lies. They will not go away on their own.


Of course speaking lies has an effect. Which is why you shouldnt perpetuate those lies and give them power by claiming such lies coopt an ideology. In doing so is what causes those lies to coopt the ideology. By not speaking of it and let it be ignored those ideas dont get spread.


@freemo @LouisIngenthron Look, all i mean to say is anarchy means people working together. As soon as anyone asserts dominance, it is not anarchy anymore. It's in the definition...


No anarchy doesnt mean people working together.. it means the people who want to work together will, the people who want to rape kill and still and cause chaos also will. Anarchy is just capitalism in ideologically pure form (unregulated markets to the extreme) and nothing else.

Libertarianism, which is not anarchy, is the only thing that means working together while allowing the maximum individual freedom.



Glad to hear it, and honestly I can probably due to take my own advice on this more as well


@freemo @LouisIngenthron We all struggle. It's a good thing.

Only bad thing i see is probably something we would disagree on. People maximizing a number without regard to its significance.


No we agree on that. My solution is to create a system where the significance of the number becomes more impactful and known so as to ensure there is strong penalties for anyone who blindly increases the number without understanding its significance


@freemo @LouisIngenthron You are not clear on what the number is.

The number i see is money. I think this is misleading and not fulfilling.

One could try to create a number on human fulfillment. I have not seen anyone really try.


I was perfectly clear on what the number is and knew before you said it what you meant...

You arent exactly subtle with your opinions dude :) lol


@freemo @LouisIngenthron I misht not be sububtle, but you sure are. I still have no idea what number you mean.

It it was money, you would be stupid, as that is what i talked about. You are not stupid, so what is it? Very confused right now.


I am not just subtle I am damn cryptic, and that is intentional. Telling people what I think wont do much good... leading people ona journey together where what I think is discovered through question, inquiry, and debate will. The problem is this requires the active contribution of the other party which rarely is the case as most people are looking to win, not explore.



The idea that there was ever a plot to begin with is the illusion :) The only plot here was to learn something, and I'd say we did that quite nicely.



@freemo @LouisIngenthron It was a nice bout to be had. I searched for trolls on federated, i ended up bouting you directly. Probably better that way, the trolls get boring quickly with their obvious insecurities.

Until another day, it was nice!

@freemo @LouisIngenthron You are not a boring troll, i will give you that. There is a reason i talk to you, as i suspect there is a reason you talk to me.


I talk to you becuase you talk.. you may not agree with my points, but you respond to them rather than responding to what you want to hear...

My bar for enjoyable interaction is quite low to be honest, not saying your on the low end of the spectrum, just saying, with the idiocy in society these days it is not remotely hard to stand out as a person worth interacting with... you basically just need to have 2 brain cells to rub together :)


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