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“The natural history of Madagascar”, a new book including all those teeny tiny frogs and lizards—chameleons, in particular—with so much potential for whole-brain , like the chameleons of the genus


Dr Mark D. Scherz (He/Him)  
HOT OFF THE PRESS: The New Natural History of Madagascar! At >2000 pages over two volumes, with >600 contributing authors, it sets a new benc...

HOT OFF THE PRESS: The New Natural History of Madagascar! At >2000 pages over two volumes, with >600 contributing authors, it sets a new benchmark for knowledge on Madagascar's natural history. I coauthored 13! chapters on various reptiles and amphibians!

Hoping to find other people passionate about #wildlife, #photography and #conservation. Please give me a follow if you'd like to connect! #introduction

I'm a professional editor with @NatureEcoEvo. I spend my days reading a huge variety of ecology manuscripts and helping papers through the review process.

I lurk on sites like this one (and Twitter for now) to stay aware of what ecologists are excited about. I also share exciting recent papers and editorial rants/wisdom from time to time.

Before becoming an editor, my research background was in disease ecology and animal behavior.

#JobPost: hiring an editor at Nature Ecology & Evolution 

We are hiring an #editor!

Do you have a background in #ecology or #evolution, and want to be involved in a broader range of topics than your own research area?

We are particularly keen to extend the geographical representation of our #editorial team (see some possible locations in the #JobAd below). #AltAc #EditorJobs

French authorities declare the use of Microsoft Office and Google Docs illegal in schools and education markets, as they don’t follow GDPR and might disturb later competition by making students used to these proprietary solutions.


I have two post-doctoral positions open in my lab @MRC_LMB to use biochemical reconstitution & structural biology to understand mRNA processing.
I am looking for candidates with experience in structural techniques or high-throughput sequencing. We provide training and a supportive team environment that is a lot of fun!


Hi #ScienceMastodon. #the_Node is a community site for #devbio and #stemcell researchers, home to the Node Network, a global directory for our community.

We’ll be tooting behind the paper stories, #sciart, resources, jobs, events and more – all the good stuff shared by our community. We’re also excited to get involved in the #devbiol chat here!

Toots by our Community Manager @helenzsci and the rest of the Node team @amjeve and Katherine Brown.
@Dev_journal @Co_Biologists

Hi Mastodon! 🐘 The Max Planck Society will provide you with exciting toots about science, research and the people behind it.

Halloween Pennant dragonflies (Celithemis eponina) are one of my favorite insects to photograph. Sometimes they allow you photograph them for hours. #dragonfly #dragonflies #Odonata #Illinois #nature #photography #wildlifephotography

He usually came to lectures without any notes. When he was doing mathematics on the blackboard he often made mistakes and sometimes got muddled.

From the way in which Maxwell tried to disentangle and correct his mistakes Lamb learned more than from any textbooks he ever read.

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@Neurograce is the book describing how to use CMOS electronic circuits to directly "emulate" (as opposed to "simulate") neural networks using the physics of transistors. Some of us in the #neuromorphic field are still following that approach.

@albertcardona love seeing these. Swallowtails are quite common out on the islands where we live. Here a happy bunch of larvae munching away!

Not a wasp, but beautiful nonetheless! Memoirs of a summer by the sea.

Scarce swallowtail butterfly (Iphiclides podalirius) on a saltwater-sprinkled bush, Croatia.

Gosh, the hashtags on here are great for finding new people to follow (and not overwhelming like Twitter). #neuroscience #genetics #epilepsy 👍

To all mastodon admins:

Hi! I’m Evan Phoenix, the primary author of puma, the ruby webserver that powers mastodon!

Please reply or DM me if you need tuning help! I’ve got no officiation with the mastodon, just want to see you succeed!

(Quick Tip: set WEB_CONCURRENCY to core count * 1.5 and then tune MAX_THREADS. High thread values will see diminishing returns!)

3000 Free medical images to illustrate your publications and powerpoint presentations!

Please check the licence if you are using them for commercial purposes.
Thank you to @Verukita1 for the original post on the bird app

What's a good name for themed mastodon server?

Hey #ChemiVerse

Nature Chemistry is recruiting for a full-time editor!

The ideal candidate will have expertise in chemical biology or biological chemistry.

Closing date for applications: 12th December

Locations: London, Berlin, New York, Shanghai

#Editorial #Publishing #Chemistry #Jobs #ScienceJobs #ChemJobs

Boosts appreciated!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.