@AmenZwa I think there was a wrong turn about 1991. But I dunno, what would the new kids do without their electron apps?
@timClicks Whoda thunk?
@hmans I have to agree with the take, except that for certain domains there's C++, C, and maybe Zig. Even with 20+ years of C++ experience, I currently would prefer Rust for any sort of green-field project where C++ would be the historically best choice.
I realize this is faint praise, but oh well, how it looks is based on the taste of the early rust language developers in 2010-2015. There's no accounting for taste. Other things about the language and tooling make it preferable.
@noodlejs Oof, I wouldn't have been able to solder those either. I always restricted my designs to packages that had exposed pins. Those packages you have there really cry out for solder paste. Something that might work short of hacking a toaster oven to solder an entire board, is using a temperature controlled hot air gun with solder paste. But this isn't something I've tried, so I'm not saying it will work!
@noodlejs Curious about this. When I did do SMD soldering (a few years ago), it really only worked when I wore Donegan binocular magnifying lenses (5x). I also joke I also needed a shot of whisky, but that's not really true... There's also the solder paste route with controlled board heating, but I never tried that.
@carnage4life However the large sloping front surface means that pedestrian remains wash off easier than other pickup trucks.
@carnage4life Anyone who has dealt with some of those admins? I feel like this is a trick question.
@jmacc I find that happens when I don’t have a good mental sketch of the problem. It’s my cue to stop hacking and plan some more. Going bottom up also helps as you’ve seen. #programming
🎵 Take me down to migraine city where the stress is seen and patterns are pretty...
@freemo I’m sure that political calculus is part of the strategy. Unless Bidens team is incompetent. Personal opinion, of that crew Haley seems like the worst case for the democrats.
@reginagrogan A good number. Follow #rust and #rustlang, you will see their posts. As you are looking for a new server, if you want one with a good population of rust devs, hachyderm.io seems fairly popular.
@shafik Yeah, 0 is cursed in c++ because it is also the null pointer literal aka NULL. Since string has a const char* overload, this is ambiguous because the compiler can interpret 0 as std::string(NULL).
@bughuntercat well hopefully it yields to simplifying abstractions like many complex topics that we are too simple to understand in every detail.
@AmenZwa I would not describe anyone as “whip it smart” if they can’t see through self-absorbed liars like Santos and Trump. Instead I’d say they must be some special breed of moron.
The #Republican brand is a potent blend of irrationality, immorality, and imbecility. It has no connection to conservatism, ethics, or governance.
@AmenZwa "Not surprisingly, those who play with such systems inevitably develop Python, JavaScript, webdev, and other bad habits." Lol, so true
Old software developer. C++ developer by day, Rust for fun. Linux guy. Hacking on the intersection of #computervision and #neuroscience in my spare time. Fan of #SpaceX, but Elon, not so much.
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#rust #rustlang #emacs #elisp #cplusplus #i3wm #linux #embedded
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