@peterdrake Glad you asked. The safest method is to avoid touching the ground near a downed powerline. HTH.
@propagandalf haha I battled typst-ts-mode package last night and lost. I need to understand treesitter a bit better it appears, or maybe the package is the issue, not sure.
@rust_discussions What a story!
@__h2__ depends a lot on your editor and configuration. Mine (emacs with eglot) has a code actions command where that shows up.
@dpiponi damn those watts are faaaast
@mo8it Are you using it for anything serious, or just noodling around with it? This is the first I've heard of this tool, but it sounds amazing tbh, I wonder what the pain points are.
@LouisIngenthron Did that back in the day. Do not want to go back to it.
@LouisIngenthron I agree with everything but local/remote branches. I need local branches for experiments that no one else needs to see, I don't think local should be the default though.
The sad thing is the git internals have a pretty good design, but the commands are a mess.
@freemo Would be terrible pudding tho
@LouisIngenthron Yeah UX is poor for sure. Even so, once I integrated the peculiarities and made them habit, it works pretty well in practice and I kind of like it. Stockholm syndrome maybe.
@AmenZwa Damn I should have saved the old man yells at cloud meme for this one, lol. I remember those days, making code portable between all the Unixes was not easy. Today, if only Wndows would disappear, the world would bea better place.
@BigEatie Tarmarians their arms open wide
@dekkzz76@emacs.ch @hyperreal Does it help scrolling? I thought it keeps the frame from sizing to character height and width, which I guess could help tangentially. And it's not new for 29.1, but has been around longer.
Maybe you mean (pixel-scroll-precision-mode t) ? That does improve scrolling if you have a good enough mouse.
@amszmidt @davidbraze @joonhyeok_ahn
I'd say 50% of my configuration is adding keybindings that are easier for me to remember or type or fixing some annoying default. I guess you are ok with the defaults. Other than that, without the following packages, my emacs experience would be worse:
* which-key
* ws-butler
* magit
* git-timemachine
* eglot (now builtin, but the gnu package is more up to date)
* vertico, orderless, consult, emback, corfu and some related packages.
* avy
* evil (I used vi[m] for decades, my fingers won't learn any different), and related packages
* helpful
* project (built-in but gnu version is more up to date)
* math-preview (used with adoc-mode, etc to show latex math rendered)
* packages for text formats that are not built-in or the built-in are not great for some reason:
- toml-mode
- plantuml-mode
- js2-mode
- markdown-mode
- sphinx-mode
- adoc-mode
- rustic and rust-mode
- python-mode
- cmake-mode
- ruby-mode
- protobuf-mode
- modern-cpp-font-lock
- org (built-in but gnu version is more up to date)
I also have some small elisp functions for some things. Those are in my config. I wouldn't want to go without some of those, but they are very idiosyncratic.
@amszmidt @davidbraze @joonhyeok_ahn I think you misunderstand. We use the cool built in stuff. It’s just the defaults are often grating and there are great packages on melpa. I can’t imagine getting by without some of them.
Old software developer. C++ developer by day, Rust for fun. Linux guy. Hacking on the intersection of #computervision and #neuroscience in my spare time. Fan of #SpaceX, but Elon, not so much.
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