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“whoever does violence to truth or to its expression eventually mutilates justice, even though he thinks he is serving it.” -Albert Camus

These days a show called "The Six Million Dollar Man" would be about a guy who took an ambulance to the ER for a broken finger.

Again, it's that easy, folks!

In protest, just as in real life.

Police don't simply enforce the law. Police enforce only some laws, against some people, in some neighborhoods.

Mastodon becoming a US entity with a neoliberal board of directors and the goal of growth über alles is the issue here folks, not whether Eugen and company are compensated for their work. Of course they should be and well too. Or is that a privilege reserved only for the mediocre yes-people at the Googles and the Facebooks of the world?

Here’s a longer thread I wrote elsewhere. (1/7)

Once upon a time, only about 650 million years ago, our Earth was a snowball. What was the aftermath #greenhouse #climate triggering deglaciation and the ocean's role in it?

We addressed this intriguing scientific question via a set of #EarthSystemModel experiments in the new Nature Communication paper "Moderate greenhouse climate and rapid carbonate formation after Marinoan snowball Earth" led by Lennart Ramme within his PhD project.

Etymology fact: "Midwife" doesn't imply the gender of the midwife. It comes from the Middle English "mid" (with) and "wife" (historically, used to mean "woman". So it means "person who is with the woman".  

'They don’t tell you beforehand that it will be a choice between having a career in science or starting a family. But that’s the message I heard loud and clear 17 years ago, in my first job after completing my Ph.D. in evolutionary biology. During a routine departmental meeting, a senior academic announced that pregnant women were a financial drain on the department. I was sitting visibly pregnant in the front row. No one said anything.'

It seems obvious, but many people don't seem to understand that the number of zeroes matters.

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If you make one million dollars per day, it will take almost three years to get to a billion.

This year two different kinds of creatures will create incredible amounts of meaningless noise, repeating incessantly until everyone is annoyed to death. But enough about political ads; it's also a year for Cicadas.

This image of the Horsehead #Nebula from #JWST near-infrared camera focuses on a portion of the horse’s “mane” that is about 0.8 light-years in width.

The ethereal clouds that appear blue at the bottom of the image are dominated by cold, molecular hydrogen. Red-colored wisps extending above the main nebula represent mainly atomic hydrogen gas.

#astronomy #astrophotography

If you're not a part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.