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  • That they believe that individual merit should be the measure of professional success and advancement rather than social or political identities.
  • That the oppose DEI initiatives and view them as a distraction for their job. That they may have been directly or indirectly targeted during by people representing DEI initiatives.
  • That their media and politics swing conservative as this is a phrase generated by thought leaders in those circles.

Whenever Americans talk about "fighting for freedoms" I remember that one time some dude who got thwarted by his own flopsweat tried to blow up his shoes and twenty years later anyone who goes through an American airport has to shuffle around in their socks hoping their pants don't fall down while they get millimeter-radared for a security pageant and the whole country just rolled over and decided that's totally reasonable.

Honestly.. One of the biggest crimes of the Bibi regime is the persistent conflation of themselves with Jews. This perhaps, is one of the most blatant cases of antisemitism of our time.

Countless Jewish people are not represented by this regime or their acts of terrorism.

#israel #palestine

A moderator of a FB group I frequent has fallen headlong into the “politeness” trap, insisting that participarts observe “civility” and “manners” when they post.

Many of you probably already recognize that #politeness is a trap. It is a tool used by aristocrats and the powerful to silence dissent, by protesting *how* the oppressed choose to cry, instead of dealing with *why* they are crying. Southern slaveowners were probably the most polite bunch of folks you’ll ever know.

Focus on what’s important: kindess, empathy, respect, tolerance. And tell politeness to go fuck itself.

I'm watching all these student protests that have lots of flash but don't seem to get much in terms of results. I'm wondering why - with an election in November - students aren't trying to get a referendum on the ballot that would force at least state run schools to divest. I know this would be possible to do by voter initiative in California. Even if it didn't pass it would bring a lot of visibility to the issure

"Virtually every major wave of campus protests in the past sixty or so years has been met with condemnation by established elites. And virtually all--civil rights, anti-war, anti-apartheid--over the decades have proven the protestors to be on the right side of history."
-David Rothkopf

#StudentSpring #1A🇺🇸

Call me naive and woolly and ignorant of realpolitik, but if I'd had snipers posted on the roof of my university when I was 20 years old, in response to me saying "genocide is a bad thing, actually"....I'd have probably not felt kindly towards whoever was ostensibly in charge of running my country (Tony Blair, at the time, lol) and would have been disinclined to listen to anyone telling me that the alternative to rooftop police snipers was fascism.

Do you think private ownership of the means of production(MoP) should be limited to ensure fair access to resources, and if so, to what degree?

Obviously I care about the climate since I live in this world but it’s not my special interest the way it is for some people, but I have learned that when you point out how personal responsibility is not enough, and ask for the conversation to include net effects on the developing world, a lot of eco-warriors get very eugenicist, very fast

HRC democrats were the original election deniers. Trump is just copying their playbook.

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦  
PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE POPULAR WITH EC VOTES. Trump won THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, that gives competitive advantage to the states with the most land but...

@currentbias I really don't see people reacting to data any more. Those who mask are committed to masking forever, and those who don't are not putting them back on with the rise and fall of cases. At this point masks are a lifestyle choice not a reaction.

@flexghost The fact that she doesn't understand why people are upset and disillusioned with old school politics is the reason she lost in 2016.

It's not just chronological age it is too old to try to change the way we've always done it, even in the face of crisis. We can't stop supporting the Netanyahu genocide because we have always supported Israel. We can't pack the court and save reproductive freedom because the court has always had 9 justices. We can't completely restructure our industrial base in the face of a climate catastrophe because we have always taken a hands off approach to industrial policy.

This is old institutionalist thinking. It is why Clinton lost and why Biden is not cruising to victory against the worst candidate the GOP has ever ran (for the third time)

Let's talk about "throwing your vote away" by voting for a candidate that "has no chance" of winning. In my state only one candidate will have any chance of winning in November. If I vote for someone else have I thrown my vote away. Do you feel the same about neighboring states where the other candidate is the only one with any meaningful chance of winning?

If your answer is that I should vote for your preferred candidate regardless of their chance of winning my state because I have a moral duty to oppose the other guy, then why should I not vote for a third party candidate and oppose both morally bankrupt parties?

Today I am for two different co-workers who caught something I overlooked. Really saved my bacon.

@w7voa The IDF has issued an apology for their indiscriminate use of a baseball bat and promises to use a bar of soap in a sock in the future.

Some thoughts about attribution in the XZ backdoor, having just wasted so many hours digging into the details.

The email addresses used for a couple of years at least by the parties involved have absolutely *zero* trace in any kind data breach or database beyond Github/Gitlab, and maybe Tukaani and Debian and a few mailing lists.

Normally when I see this, the assumption is that we're dealing with a single-use or single-purpose email address that was created either for fraud or b/c someone is super paranoid about privacy.

The people in the latter camp who do this tend to have other tells that give them away, or at least *some* trace or home base in the online world. Especially if we're talking on the order of years using that address.

Either way, very few people do opsec well, and for every year you're operating under the same name, nick, number, email, etc you dramatically increase the risk of screwing up that opsec. And almost everyone does, eventually.

To see this complete lack of presence in breached databases once or twice in the course of an investigation is rare, but to find it multiple times suggests we're dealing with an operation that was set up carefully from the beginning. And that almost certainly means a group project (state-sponsored).


This is why I keep harping on reinvigorating career specific technical training. Most students will be better prepared for a job in their field after 18 months of focused training by professional trainers than by 4 years of random courses taught by people who would rather do research anyway. Our post WWII history ended up sending far too high a proportion of people to 4-year universities.

@Zeb_Larson @academicchatter

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