ম্যাসটোডনে কমিউনিটি তৈরী করার সবচেয়ে সহজ উপায় গাপপি গ্রুপ তৈরী করা। এইরকম:
ধরুন আপনি বাঙলা ভাষার গ্রুপ করবেন নাম দিলেন bengali_conversations।
একটা মেসেজ লিখুন এবং সেই মেসেজে
কে জুড়ে দিন।
ব্যস, আপনার গ্রুপ তৈরী।
তখনই মেসেজ করবেন, একে মেসেজে রাখলেই চলবে।
এই একাউন্ট আপনাকে ফলো করবে।
নিন, আপনার গ্রুপ তৈরী।
The #Fediverse (#ActivityPub) has surpassed 7 million users!
For the first time, all #SocialMedia that are connected by ActivityPub are at 7,252,751 users (4.1m active six months, 2.7m monthly active). Thanks to #Mastodon 6.3m users, #PeerTube 389k, #Pixelfed 122k , #Pleroma 97k, #WriteFreely 62k #Lemmy 39k, #Plume 25k, #Friendica 19k, #Mobilizon 14k and many more.
#Fedigrowth #Misskey #Funkwhale #Hubzilla #hometown #Wordpress #bookwyrm #Socialhome
Well there is the @eqnz
bot people can follow if they want. Plus on local instances other people will post updates faster and get people connected.
Often talks about the need for government agencies to use the #fediverse.
Hoping they will join as well, so emergency updates can be better conveyed.
Space to watch.
আপনি অবিশ্যি চমৎকার খেলাটা ধরেছেন।
একটা ব্যাপার, একাধিক সার্ভারে দিব্য একাউন্ট খোলা যায়, বস্তুত খোলা উচিৎও।
দুই, #debirdify নামের অ্যাপে গিয়ে টুইটারের বন্ধুবান্ধবদের ফলো করা
তিন, শুধু ম্যাসটোডন নয়, আরো অনেক অ্যাপ রয়েছে সিস্টেমটায়।
এক কাজ করা যাক।
একটা গরু, ইয়ে, হাতি বিষয়ক রচনা লিখে ফেলা যাক, 🙂
এই সব হতেই থাকে। এইজন্যেই তো ম্যাসটোডন। আজ এখানে কাল সেখানে। কিন্ত্ত সম্পর্ক টিকে থাকে।
"আমি যত দূরেই যাই .. "
Brilliant thread!
The Fediverse is the biggest communications revolution in a generation.
I know, sounds like hype.
Many tech revolutions have been promised and haven't arrived.
Where's my 3D-printed house? My self-driving car? My AR glasses?
Compared to those things, the Fediverse looks less grandiose.
So am I sure about this Fediverse revolution? So far, this just looks like Twitter.
Yes, I'm sure.
The Fediverse fixes one of the Internet's biggest pain points. Let me explain. 🧵
This is why, when I called it a bullshit generating machine, I was using the term bullshit in its technical sense. Philosopher Harry Frankfurt explained, in On Bullshit, that bullshit is speech intended to be persuasive without concern for the truth. For Frankfurt, the difference between a liar and a bullshitter Is this a liar knows the truth and is trying to lead you elsewhere where is the bullshitter either doesn’t know or doesn’t care wants to sound like they know what they’re talking about.
In many senses, I find #qoto sets high standards for communication in #fediverse. You have enabled connected services, allowed 65K characters, you have robust policy, we can use markdown in posts, and you are also very welcoming, responsive, and open community!
Since when do 'techies' worry about these things? ATM, most such articles are coming out of techie stables as do most servers ... (Sigh)!
Government departments that still disseminate their views via twitter are complicit with Twitter's onerous labour laws!
@ShaulaEvans Hi, Shaula. Here's a list of education friendly instances. https://www.mguhlin.org/2022/11/education-friendly-mastodon-instances.html #Education #EduTooter #EduTooters @edutooters
Mastodon: What you need to know for your security and privacy
If you’re leaving Twitter for Mastodon, here are some things you should know.
Please reblog/boost if you think this would help folks you know who are new to Mastodon. (Likes are appreciated, but won't help spread the advice)
Never forget, a 13-year study of a dozen cities found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for ALL ROAD USERS. And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. As for sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them. Via #StreetsblogUSA, read their article. #bikelanes #bikes #cities #transportation #mobility #sharrows #infrastructure #urbanplanning
Are you new to Mastodon?
Do you need some help? A simple guide to how Mastodon works?
Check out my website, it answers lots and lots of questions you might have:
It's written in non-technical language, and aimed at a general audience. If you're new here and feeling a bit lost, this is the site for you!
(There are also tips for advanced users in a separate section of the site.)
If you can't find the answers you want from the site, @ or message me 🙂
Professor, Epidemiologist. Doctor (ENT specialist). Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
Interests: lego MOCs, wood carving, mountain biking, tramping.