@dbread I learned ssh from hpux and openssh from Linux. I have no idea what your talk is about, but maybe you could promote ssh certificates a bit. These much better to handle than standard public key mechanisms and provide more sophisicated access mechanisms. See e.g.: https://goteleport.com/blog/how-to-ssh-properly/
@cweickhmann Bei CDU/CSU ist das nochvollziehbar, weil die Opposition sind, und die auch ausfüllen müssen. Bei der FDP ist das etwas seltsamer.
Andererseits ist es auch ein regelmäßiges Pattern unserer Regierung, an irgendeiner Stellschraube zu drehen, ohne einen Gedanken an anderweitigen Konsequenzen zu verschwenden. Ist ein bischen wie Kindergarten.
@Paulos_the_fog The Guardian tells that one reason would be Brexit. "Some importers say Brexit is also a factor, as the increased costs and paperwork involved in shipping to the UK have put it at the back of the queue for products in short supply." https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/22/aldi-asda-morrisons-supermarkets-rationing-salad-ingredients
Sounds reasonable to me...
@ambulocetus at least, some of the Grinch songs really sound nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qpH_NJ5HMM
Is the 2nd law of thermodynamics generally valid? Looking at the temperature distribution in the atmosphere, I always had difficulties to explain how this goes together with that law. As always, if something is difficult, you have to do it on your own. When I investigated further, the surprising outcome for me was, that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is not that generally true as it is used.
Since I cannot find anyone in my surroundings who can point out a
mistake in my thinking, I wrote a blog article about the contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics found at:
This goes into the detail of where the issue is. So, if you find some spare time, I would very much welcome if you proof me wrong.