@istvan *grafts spork to electric toothbrush
> Sie präsentieren sich mit geflochtenen Zöpfen, wallenden Kleidern [...]
wie können sie es wagen.
> [...] spricht von einer Manipulation von Kindern durch "Frühsexualisierung".
das war bei mir vor ca. 30 jahren schon so und hat mein hirn verdorben. und das meine ich komplett ernst.
> Vor allem in den Kommentarspalten finden sich bei ihr Hass gegen alle, die nicht in ihr Weltbild passen.
ich nehme an wenn ich was "schlimmes" unter ein youtube video der tagesschau poste, ist auch die tagesschau schuld.
> Humor wird strategisch eingesetzt, um zu einer Diskursverschiebung beizutragen", sagt Extremismusforscher Jakob Guhl vom Institute for Strategic Dialogue
das wusste auch schon böhmi, gelle?
> So schreiben etwa Politikerinnen der AfD, wie auch außerparlamentarische rechtsextreme Aktivistinnen auf Social Media zum Muttertag: "Neue Deutsche machen wir uns selbst."
ist doch witzig. ich musste kichern.
> Das Y-Kollektiv konnte zahlreiche einschlägige Produktionsfirmen und Content Creator identifizieren, die miteinander arbeiten
naja, immerhin krieg ich von denen nicht den vollzieher auf den hals gehetzt weil ich nicht deren propaganda finanziere. im gegensatz zu den ÖR. leute die sich selbst als kollektiv bezeichnen sollten die füße eh ganz still halten wenn es um faschismus geht.
> Gerade auch mit Content, der auf den ersten Blick harmlos und witzig erscheint.
inhalte (gibt sogar ein deutsches wort!) aus dem ÖR sind meist weder harmlos noch witzig.
I've just witnessed a completely civil and righteous rage against the machine by an elderly man (80s+) at supermarket self-service checkout here in small city Aotearoa #NewZealand and it was a little bit wonderful.
He'd just finished paying for his groceries when the machine started saying "Please take your items" every 15 seconds or so. At first he just says "I'll do it in my own time thank you," while bagging things up.
The machine keeps telling him to take his items. After around the 5th time, he starts really arguing back:
"I don't have to do what you tell me to do."
"I'll take as long as I need thank you."
"I'll thank you to stop harassing me."
On around the seventh or eighth request that he take his items, he stands back, crosses his arms and says loudly snaps, "No! Not until you be quiet!"
The machine keeps going. The man just stands there, crossed arms, chin stuck out. A standoff is on. Staff come over and ask if they can help and he tells them that if they switch the voice off, he will continue bagging his things and go. If they don't, he's retired and can wait all day.
Machine is turned off/down with sympathy from supermarket staff. Moments later the man leaves the supermarket with the air of someone who's just won a war, expression completely stoic.
@scathach maybe they think in two party mode?
@ElDeadKennedy das boot
@mangeurdenuage @icedquinn @sun yes. afaik the wind turbines here are often shut down on purpose to prevent overload.
i assumed that hydrogen could be a solution even when terribly inefficient, but they want to use drinking water for this instead of sea water. i now believe this stuff is done on purpose to generate more problems to extract money in the future.
(my schizotake would be it's just plain malice out of enjoyment of destruction. i have come to believe that demons of some kind are really existing. maybe it's just split up souls or mental problems but the people responsible seem to have a real hatred for trees and nature in general)
@icedquinn @mangeurdenuage @sun
> i do know that carbon theory has successfully destroyed all meaningful forms of ecological resistance and become a single easily marketed and manageable metric for the System. and one that doesn't really require them to do much of anything. like when was the last time you heard about chemical pollutants in manufacturing? congratulations. never. they just buy carbon offsets and keep pouring acetone in the toilet.
perfectly put. i'm so very much pissed about this. they even do all kinds of damage to "save carbon". my favorite are things like wind turbines in important habitats like peat bogs where they manage to shred birds and disturb the water balance because the fundaments are so deep. it's an absolute clown show.
@CapitalB das war wirklich ganz große show der linken arroganz. mit so ideen das man denen im restaurant dann sagen kann das mit den steuern dann das schuldach der tochter repariert wird und man deshalb einen beleg fürs finanzamt will.
schon irgendwie arme würste so leute. große klappe, nix dahinter und immer die staatsgewalt vorschicken.
@pencilears ok
13 goddess figurines found in Balzi Rossi caves near Grimaldi di Ventimiglia, Italy. Made of steatite between 24,000-19,000 years ago and measuring from 2.4cm to 7.5cm in height, they stem from the widespread Gravettian culture.
Between 1883-1895, figurines were discovered by the antique dealer Louis Alexandre Jullien at the cave complex Balzi Rossi ("red cliffs") at the Ligurian coast. Eight of these sculptures are housed in museum Saint-Germain-en-Laye near Paris, France.
i don't serve anyone here. i don't operate a business. adding alt text is working for free so i don't add alt text. i'm here for my personal entertainment - if it makes someone else happy or someone deems my posts interesting that's great.
people who use AI to generate image descriptions try to cater to the "ALT TEXT OR DISABLED HATER" crowd. that using AI for this is wrong as well again proves that it's a losing game to play. it will never be enough.
@tyil i just read chatgpt as "AI" because most people use it that way. self hosted AI would be fine for this. probably even wouldn't require very much power. @pencilears
@zleap @faab64 @palestine @israel we have that beaten into us in germany in compulsory school and yet our politicians talk mostly about right for self defense of israel aside from asking to be more careful while rubbelizing everything.
state licensed lolbert and hypernatalist with a breeding kink. never watched rick & morty and i'm proud of it.
don't only rely on my words, read what happy customers wrote about me: "10/10 would buy again", "top seller, great value", "wildly incorrect", "teil des problems", "without imagination", "Repeated provocation using copy/paste.", "if you take a dump in my mentions, I just might notice the smell", "log out and never login again", "Du redest wirr.", "My brother in Christ, this is such a ridiculously dumb statement that I will no longer entertain this silly conversation.", "Auf Derailing-Diskussionen habe ich keine Lust. Finger über dem Blocken-Knopf.", "Wie gesagt, du kannst der Diskussion inhaltlich nicht folgen."
one day at a time.