Being on this massive instance that so many instances are #defederating from is bumming me out a bit. For a few reasons, I’m staying put (for now). I wonder if there are any solutions being explored by @Gargron and his team to establish more effective moderation processes? Is there any hope the other #instances won’t defederate from mastodon dot social?

@serenebabe @Gargron why are they defederating from

I think in some ways it’s bound to occur, some people really like bubbles, and if your in one of those bubbles and don’t want to be, you should move on. But being isolated from one of those bubbles should not be too much of a concern. The people in there either will move, or want to be there.

There’s some pretty isolated bubbles out there!

@ku7 because of the racism, and I think, possibly anti-trans harmful behaviors? Basically, insufficient moderation, as far as I understand it.

I know @freemo led a charge to defederate against after Eugen supported a Nazi’s misinformation and spam campaign, but IDK how many people listened to him.

@realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @ceoln @freemo There is no connection between the removal of a promotional link to from and anyone named Snow. The link was removed in light of a revision of's moderation policies following a mass-email campaign by Jeffrey Freeman that used a tool developed by Kiwi Farms to find which servers have blocked his, and Jeffrey has been told as much in writing.


@Gargron @realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @freemo

freemo has plausibly stated that he did not know the tool was developed by anyone associated with a vile hate site, and the use to which he put it, finding who had blocked qoto and writing them to ask why and hopefully fix the problem, seems facially reasonable.

What was the moderation policy revision that led to the link removal? That would seem to be the crux of the issue.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.