Being on this massive instance that so many instances are #defederating from is bumming me out a bit. For a few reasons, I’m staying put (for now). I wonder if there are any solutions being explored by @Gargron and his team to establish more effective moderation processes? Is there any hope the other #instances won’t defederate from mastodon dot social?

@serenebabe @Gargron why are they defederating from

I think in some ways it’s bound to occur, some people really like bubbles, and if your in one of those bubbles and don’t want to be, you should move on. But being isolated from one of those bubbles should not be too much of a concern. The people in there either will move, or want to be there.

There’s some pretty isolated bubbles out there!

@ku7 because of the racism, and I think, possibly anti-trans harmful behaviors? Basically, insufficient moderation, as far as I understand it.

I know @freemo led a charge to defederate against after Eugen supported a Nazi’s misinformation and spam campaign, but IDK how many people listened to him.

@realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @freemo

Criticising a person's actions != leading "a charge to defederate" their server, eh?

@ceoln @Gargron @serenebabe @freemo IDK saying somebody sided with racists usually gets one reaction on the #Fediverse, especially within the #Fediblock community...

@realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @freemo

Still, it's not fair or accurate to say that someone led a charge to defederate a server, when all they actually did was criticize an admin of that server. They're different things.Seems potentially important. :)

@ceoln @Gargron @serenebabe @freemo You're not wrong here. I mistook the likely result for the intention, my bad.

I shouldn't speak for freemo.


To be clear I have no intention of seeing defederated or any other instance. My goal is to bring this to light in the hope otherwes will realize what is happened and **not** defederate from us or continue to spread the lies. Hopefully it willknock some sense into Eugen

I do admit that bringing to light Eugen's negligance may very well have the effect of being defederated... thats more on Eugen than me however.

Anything that will die as a result of the truth coming to light deserves to die as Carl Sagan once said.

@Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln

It’s unfortunate that qoto is no longer listed on joinmastadon. When I recently joined, I scrolled through that whole list, finding everything either too specific or lacking in moderation. LaTeX support was a bonus.

I didn’t know anything about Mastodon, and didn’t know how to make the choice.

But on reading your history w/ Snow, and your compromise of silencing but not blocking domains, I realize I made the right choice.

While cishet myself, I’ve been an ally for 50 years. I want no part of bigotry, but also recognize the occasional need to monitor what bigots are up to.

It’s unfortunate my fellow Twitter refugees are not being given the same option.


Sadly as Eugen said he doesnt care about the facts, he cares about "optics"... Whats right is secondary to popular opinion.

@realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln

That’s part of why I spoke up! Often, “loud” is mistaken for public opinion, and “loud” is often far removed from what is right. That’s how silence becomes complicity.

So here’s my voice trying to bring “loud” back toward what’s right.

@realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @ceoln @freemo There is no connection between the removal of a promotional link to from and anyone named Snow. The link was removed in light of a revision of's moderation policies following a mass-email campaign by Jeffrey Freeman that used a tool developed by Kiwi Farms to find which servers have blocked his, and Jeffrey has been told as much in writing.

It's been good to hear your side of things, I hadn't heard much from you on this.

> The link was removed in light of a revision of's moderation policies

Which change is this?

> following a mass-email campaign by Jeffrey Freeman that used a tool developed by Kiwi Farms

I can see that being irksome, although I definitely get where freemo was coming from, wanting to clear his name from the #Nazi misinformation campaign. Would you say that making some sort of post (like this post here) would have been a better way to go, to avoid accusations of harassment?

Also, which tool did freemo use that was developed by #Kiwifarms?


LOL there was **no** change to our moderation policy... none.. go check the internet archive... actually the one thing we did change is we made our hate speech rules more explicit..

I think ill add to the artricle his reply and show the internet archive's change to our ToC to highly that the only change to our ToC was to add more explicit protections to the LGBTQ community.

@Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln

@Gargron @realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @freemo

freemo has plausibly stated that he did not know the tool was developed by anyone associated with a vile hate site, and the use to which he put it, finding who had blocked qoto and writing them to ask why and hopefully fix the problem, seems facially reasonable.

What was the moderation policy revision that led to the link removal? That would seem to be the crux of the issue.

@Gargron @realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @ceoln @freemo

Are tools to map block/limited relationships between instances, forbidden? Or was because it was created by Kiwi Farms?
Did QOTO's moderation policy change in some way that made in non-compliant with the Mastodon Server Covenant? Or was it his mass email to plead with so many instance owners?

The fediverse is brilliant because not even you have the power to defederate. You only control a few instances. But now, people who gripe with you seem to have focused on this joinmastodon list as if you have supreme power over the network and are some kind of Kingmaker.
I personally didn't bother with the joinmastodon list, as I knew it was only a small fraction of available servers. So I used which had some useful filters, but would not delist any server for a policy violation.
Have you considered abandoning your own list in favor of an independent party?


This is a lie, check the internet archive to confirm, our moderation policies remained unchanged.

Also i never led a campaign to have the fediverse ddfederate from, but i did bring to light gargron delisting us following the misinformation campaign.

The mass email he refers to is referenced in the article. It was an attempt to reach out to admins and correct the information in the misinformation campaign and thus directly related to gargrons decision as he admits here.

@realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @ceoln


To expose Eiugen on yet another lie... here is a link to all the changes that occured to our ToC over the last 6 months. As can clearly be seen the only changes made were stronger protections for the LGBTQ and a removal of the phrase "free speech".

Which means the only perceived changes he could mean are either greater protections to LGBTQ groups or he is caving tto the misinformation spread by snow.

I already cover the emails (which were sent only to admins with email addresses that welcomed administrative contact). They servered the purpose of alerting them as to Snow's disinformation and an attempt to set the record straight.

Seems quite clear, even by Eugen's own admission that what I said in the above post is completely factual afterall.

@realcaseyrollins @serenebabe @ceoln

@realcaseyrollins @Gargron @serenebabe @ceoln @freemo

RE: the @freemo blog post...
"the one reply he managed to muster about this incident “I will take a listing down if it risks endangering the reputation of Mastodon”."
96% of it had nothing to do with Eugen or

Like playing telephone, the story changes. From a simple delisting from the joinmastodon helper page, to siding with Nazis, to trying to defederate, to so many instances are defederating from because of racism or anti-trans harmful behavior.

I can actually understand a tough decision may have been made. The list isn't the fediverse, just a intro phonebook for newbies. And Eugen may have not wanted any drama, regardless of who was in the right.

Eugen, I hope you have a good sense of humor about all this, because the rumor mill is brutal to you.

wow the ceo of mastodon sounds pretty cool
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.