NaNoWriMo 2023, day 24: 50,067 words and pretty much done!
Turns out that my #nanowrimo novel needs a reasonably accurate timeline of pregnancy and labor. The research I'm doing is going to get me like ads for diapers for the next three years, isn't it?
#nanowrimo Day 20: 40009 words. Intentionally stopped at just over 2k/day again, still with lots of ideas brewing. (Apparently the Queen is pregnant!)
#nanowrimo Day 19: Word Count 38,505
I don't think I'll write anymore today, just because I'm very much On Track, and it's nice to let the ideas that I got most recently to marinate for a bit.
I think I have a nice ending in mind! That will fit within 50K and 11/25ish well, if all goes smoothly.
I had the wildest dream...
(Also a mention of the #nanowrimo status!)
I did in fact get to just over 36k!
And I have some ideas about an ending. Rather vague ones so far :
#nanowrimo Day 18: 35,002 words so far.
I'd like to do at least another 1000 today, but we'll see. Chugging along nicely really! I should really think about an ending haha.
#nanowrimo Day 15: 30,038 words
And yes, I stopped at the 2k/day mark so as to leave something in the idea-pool to marinate until tomorrow. :)
I should probably start to think about some sort of ending, eh? Hm.
Got a little time after dinner, and had plenty of ideas. :)
End of #nanowrimo day 14: 28,080, nice and on track. A fun realignment of reality in that last bit!
26,522 words as of last night! Past halfway. :)
But then a team dinner tonight, so 0 more today (so far).
22,033: back on track
#nanowrimo day 6, word count 11,020.
I was completely out of action on Saturday with a 24 hour stomach bug or something, and have only made up half the lost quota, but otherwise I'm keeping up the 2k/day goal nicely.
And the story rather has my interest, too! I wonder what will happen. 😁
Links here:
It's that time again!
NaNoWriMo! 2023
Woot woot!
I weblogged! Basically about all the stuff that happened while I was weblogging just the #nanowrimo stuffs...
Now that it's done, I should post the link to the beginning again, shouldn't I?
50,085 words, give or take a few! :) And it's done!
#nanowrimo word count: 48,566
Two (short) chapters to go, so we're bringing it home right on target tomorrow. Probably!
Just over 47,000 words! Four chapters to go, so probably well over 50k, sometime in the next three days. Woo woo! #NaNoWriMo
#nanowrimo word count over 45,000; home stretch!
A consciousness somehow associated with matter.
Posting about culture, philosophy, politics, AI Art Tools, NaNoWriMo, Software Development occasionally, the relationship of consciousness to matter.
Degrees in Philosophy and Computer Science, once had a US TS/SCI(redacted) clearance, radical-for-the-US politics, ex-Libertarian, zen-buddhist-pantheist-atheist.
Google employee, but I do not speak for Google in any way.
If your profile tells me nothing about you, it's less likely I'll follow you (back).
Header: abstract smoky patterns
pfp: Adorable weird piglet / delirium cultist... thing. In a hoodie.