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Just do it.
Do it.
Do it now.
Copypasta your profile.
Add #introduction

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Here is how successful they were targeting hippies and blacks for pot.

Here is the creation of the political prisoner population to maintain power while the nation fought against racism and the war on Vietnam.

Just astounding, look at it.

ceoln boosted

Number of children murdered in the United States by witnessing the penis on Michelangelo's David:


Let's get back to talking about guns.

ceoln boosted

On the one hand this is just an amusing thing to get a language model to do

But it's actually pretty useful too! It turns out I'm much more likely to remember concepts if they've been illustrated by analogies involving otters running a kayak shop (or armadillos running a cactus nursery)

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ceoln boosted

PL folks, are there comparable alternatives to OPLSS? I have a student who has to miss it this year due to an unchangeable family obligation, and I'm wondering if there's a similar thing they could attend so they don't have to wait a whole year.

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ceoln boosted

So,, #Fensterfreitag does not translate alliterively into English as #WindowFriday - but I get it. Here's a view from Cleveland, Ohio's lovely Art Deco Terminal Tower, a 235m/771 foot, 52-story skyscraper built by the Van Sweringen Brothers in just 18 months, 1927-1928.

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I call insurance companies as part of my day job and the last person I called was like"Your name is Steven? Like Steven Universe?" like they'd never heard of someone with such an exotic name outside of fiction, and let me just say, I'm OK with this perception, keep it up

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Everybody’s out here doing corporate minimal when they should be doing lithographic maximal.

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There's a point where you character will become so desperate they will try anything.

Do they have a line they will not cross?

#WritingTips #AmWriting #writing #authodons

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ceoln boosted

Mathematicians have discovered a tessellating shape which can cover a surface without ever making a repeating pattern. The phenomenon’s called aperiodic tiling. It’s a bit like the geometric equivalent of an irrational number.

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Incidentally, if I were to build a windmill, I'd like to make it similar to this Reform Inn replica of the Amagansett mill

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