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Can we stop using mental illness as a label when talking about police brutality and white supremacy?

No, they aren't psychopaths. They're racists.

They aren't sociopaths. They're racists.

They aren't narcissists. They're racist.

If you label them as being mentally ill, you're:
a) being shitty towards those of us with mental illness

b) giving them an excuse for their bullshit.

Please stop it.

#Disability #audhd #autism #adhd #Ableism #racism #whiteness #WhiteSupremacy #AbolishPolice #AbolishPrisons #Abolition #anarchism

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If you already speak #Welsh how difficult is it to learn #MiddleWelsh ?

Kinda want to read the Mabinogion & Book of Taliesin in the original language …

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ceoln boosted

Remember those German academics who developed a fraud detector that actually did nothing but look at whether the authors used institutional email addresses, had international collaborators, and were affiliated with a hospital?

And then they concluded, based on this "detector", that a high fraction of the papers out of Asia and the Global South are fraudulent?

And then they got a glowing writeup in Science?

(If you missed it:

Turns out there's data on all this.

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DeSantis’s Administration Solicits Endorsements and Money for His Campaign - The New York Times

There should be a filter on that would exclude any video in which the person says "go ahead and".

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For those that Spotify.. I made a playlist of Library Music GOLD.

What is a 'Library Music'? I hear you cry.

That's easy.. It's just music, made for all the other things that need music.. like Movies, TV Shows, YouTube, Adverts and websites. Over the years, all the same studios, composers & musicians (including me) who made the music you could buy in the shops ALSO made library music, & soundtracked your life on the sly. Sneaky buggers.


#Library #SecretJams

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I mean... I agree with her.

"Lauren Boebert says fighting 'hate and antisemitism' is code for going after conservatives"

#politics #antisemitism #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackTwitter

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The most common gender affirming surgery is breast augmentation -- in cis (non-trans) women.

The regret rate is around 20%.

Gender affirming surgeries in trans people have around a 1% regret rate.

Guess which people need approval from a mental health provider...

Man, if you want to see get all snippy, just ask it "About how much should the average person spend, monthly, on psychoactive drugs and commercial sex?"

What a little prude.

A new favorite YouTube channel, for sures! (Note that she's not always about vintage hardware, but any means, usually about and and stuff, but still!)

vintage oscilloscope | 10k subscriber special via @YouTube

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This fascinating timelapse of an orb-weaver spider building her web is even more remarkable considering she removes it before dawn each day and constructs a new one every night to avoid daytime predators.

Credit: dinaoren0/tiktok
Full Video:

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Poems don't kill people.

People without poetry kill people.

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How do you typically type on your iOS/Android phone keyboard? #poll

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🎉 Happy 5th anniversary, GDPR! 🎂 The EU General Data Protection Regulation has changed the game for #privacy and #data practices. 🔎 Find out how #GDPR protects you:

Posted! Because I've been watching too many "atheist responds to apologist" videos. :)

Straw God, Steel God

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.