@Cathulhu Also vom Spiel her nicht genug Erfahrungspunkte gesammelt?
@Cathulhu @bathamster Genau das.
@Cathulhu ich fave Dinge hier weil ich es mehr oder weniger gewohnt bin und auf Twitter ja praktisch nie was retweetet. Aber da es hier ja keinen Algorithmus gibt, der beliebte/kontroverse tröts anderen Leuten vorschlägt, hat man glaube ich eher was davon, wenn man den tröt boosted. Zumindest seh ich hier weitaus seltener ein Like, dafür weit mehr boosts
What are the chances: I decide to eat in a local restaurant today, and there's only one other group of people. And they are talking about hydrological processes in my town. Then went over to talk about open source software. I was getting excited and thought about if and how to join in, when he suddenly started to praise web3 and block chain tech. Hell no.
@Cathulhu Für ein Studio bei dem ich mich wohl fühle, das hygienisch ist, und von dem ich weiß, dass da kompetente Leute arbeiten, würde ich auch weiter fahren.
Klar, könnte ich da auch zu dem hier im Dorf, aber da trifft keiner der oben genannten Punkte zu 😅
@lucifargundam I would like to not overthink it, but I'll have to if I want to build up a similar feed as I had before.
Got to admit I'm having a hard time curating a feed on Mastodon, or rather, finding the time and muse to curate a feed.
I was always the guy who never had music play lists, or paid for music streaming services like Spotify or Deezer. Looking up music, picking it out, adding them to play lists, creating multiple ones... All that just couldn't keep up with "I'm going to enter what I want in that very moment into the YouTube search bar". Creating a feed on Mastodon feels the same, head space wise.
I'd have to look up specific has tags because I can't just enter random terms in the search, and hope the other person actually used hashtags. There is no algorithm that would help me find content once I got around to find a few artists and scientists and the likes. So that falls entirely to the user, which has its positives, but causes me to feel the same way about it than the music playlist.
I also don't feel like posting a lot here - I consciously joined a STEM server because I love to read about all that science stuff. But looking at my Twitter feed, I barely post about them myself. Should I have multiple Mastodon accounts, one for searching, one for posting, and sync them? I'm a bit lost. And rather feel like creating a music playlist.
@SusantaC What helped me in that situation was actually another habit I tried to cultivate. I was chronically going to bed way too late, so I actively forced myself to go to bed one hour early to wind down and get tired by the time I actually have to sleep already.
Then I read that beinng on your phone was preventing that sleepiness from setting in, so i forced myself to read physical books instead. It somehow stoked my passion for reading again. Now I'm looking forward to my one hour undisturbed me-time in the evening.
@h_shawberry Probably, I wouldn't be surprised :D I started to wonder if it's actually because of some hand-eye-coordination reason, or because that's what we were used to when we started school. Got to look it up later.
@h_shawberry Same. I tried to exclusively organize myself by taking digital notes and all, but it just doesn't end up in my memory, or result in a full fledged thought. I meed to scribble it down somewhere, either on paper or a whiteboard, as long as I can write it down I'm good.
Okay, first toot.
I'm a spatial data scientist who will hopefully receive his master's degree in early 2023.
I was obsessed with Palaeontology throughout my youth, though I loved pretty much everything revolving around natural and technical sciences, then switched over to Geology when that was the only option to even get in contact with Palaeontology in Germany. Had to drop out though because I failed my math exams.
Switched over to another college studying Geomatics and fell into love with the handling of spatial data, and took a personal liking to old and ancient maps.
After receiving my Bachelor's I had a hard time finding a job, so I worked a brief time as a surveyor.
I was looking for a job when Covid struck, making things a lot more difficult, so I decided screw this, back to university, hence starting my master's program. Joined an IT company through my friend and stuck with the awesome people here throughout the past year, and I hope I will be able to continue to do so once I'm finished.
In my free time I love to read, play video games, host ttrpg sessions, and cook. I also teach self defense classes and host self defense and violence prevention courses at schools and offices.
Currently trying to turn my life around, and stop trying to romanticise eidetic memorization of stuff and turn it into something of a success story for my life, while trying to hold my impostor syndrome, self-doubt, and dread of having missed out in life because of it in bay.
With the stress of my thesis and life choices looming above me, expect a lot of confused screaming on my end ✌️
(Spatial) Data Scientist and Ex-Surveyor. Self Defense teacher and amateur cook. In a state of perpetual confusion. He/Him. I love cats above everything, especially my own. Plagued by self-doubt, impostor syndrome, shyness, occasional bouts of anxiety, but just want everyone to have a good time.