
One of the things I like about the underlying QOTO system is the editing function (delete & re-draft).
Sometimes my writing looks different to me when I re-read my own words a day later. I want to change words. I feel a need to re-position sentences and paragraphs.
Maybe the simple fact that I'm doing this public editing is a good thing. Maybe it's a constructive contribution to QOTO precisely because others can see what I'm doing.
My work-in-progress writing practice could be construed as helpful to others -- maybe witnessing the way I edit my posts could help someone else re-think the way he/she edits his/her own prose?
QOTO = Question Others to Teach Ourselves?

About Editing posts via Del/Redraft - long post 

@chikara WE are all learning, the software is new to most people arriving here. And the network this server connects to is large, supports multiple protocols and different places.

I noticed your editing on the post above, at first you had two blank lines between paragraphs, now it's showing only one. Which is fine as spacing goes, that's what I always use too.

You do not need the "." period to force a new line; just hitting Enter twice will push the cursor down and skip a line.

Important Note regarding Editing posts :

The mechanism we use is not really a classic 'Edit', where the same post is touched and saved; the time stamp is the same as it was, etc.

When you use 'Delete and redraft' here, the old post is removed (and any Favourites, Boots it might had are lost forever). Any references to the post in other people's own writing are also Broken, since the old post is gone forever.

SO - I would suggest editing that way only if done immediately; otherwise you see the possible consequences above.

It is more limited than what we have in Facebook, for example. But at the same time, it's better than Twitter, where I don't think we can do that kind of thing (I don't use the site there much at all, might be wrong).

I am thinking of finding a good place to host and start a Blog, which will allow long writing, text formatting, images and links, etc.

And can be referred to here, in an announcement post for each new page you created.

We lack Bookmarks here at the moment, so things disappear soon into the mass of new, incoming posts.

Something great here is that "Search" is wonderful -- it does find content I posted in a blink, so I use it frequently to grab a link, image or locate a thread.

@chikara I actually don't like edits; I understand that some people might write something the wrong way, but that an inherently human attribute, the fallibility of man, I don't like the idea of erasing that and editing our posts to try and be perfect.

That said, I feel like deleting and redrafting content is defferent than editing like you can on @gab or

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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