@freemo Please confirm that Quey has a back-up strategy to ensure that users don't lose everything in case of an emergency or shutting down. -- see §2 https://joinmastodon.org/covenant
It is important for users to
have the confidence that a
trip over the power cable or
a rogue bit flip will not erase
all of their data. Having a
backup strategy is a basic
necessity of providing a
public service
Humblr did disappear this month. We don't know what happened, but the result is very much like the explicit circumstances contemplated in §2 -- an event "erase[d] all of [our] data."
More significant is the fact that Humblr's relationships vanished without notice
Humblr was a social media site; and this means that Humblr was about more than just an archive of images and words.
Humblr was about people and the links between us which were forged slowly over time.
If Mastodon is about "taking back control of your social media", then it means asking reasonable questions based on the Mastodon Covenant.
QOTO is also a social media site, so these issues are timely and appropriate and prudent
Reasonable questions about QOTO need clear and reasonable responses.
QOTO = Question Others to Teach Ourselves?
@chikara Why are you asking me to confirm things about other servers I do not run? you need to ask the owners of those servers.
@freemo I've only asked you about this Mastodon instance.
I was shocked when a spokesman refused to confirm that there is a Mastodon.social commitment to give users at least 3 months of advance warning in case of shutting down.
With all due respect, this means that a core element of the Mastodon Covenant is not credible. This means that everyone who read and relied on the specifics of the Covenant were wrong to do so.
That's a big problem.
Although @LuigiEsq@mastodon.social spoke on behalf of another instance, he was claiming to speak on behalf of the core organizers of the Mastodon network.
This astonishing admission opens the door to corollary issues which I have now raised with with you.
With regret, I see that you haven't responded to my explicit inquiries about §2 and §3 of the Mastodon Covenant. Please set my mind at ease with your reply.
Reasonable questions about QOTO need clear responses.
QOTO = Question Others to Teach Ourselves?
> I've only asked you about this Mastodon instance.
This is a blatant falsehood. The timeline shows you've asked @freemo about QOTO[1][2], Sinblr[3], and Quey[4]. Apparently this is from simply not caring enough to proofread but then you really shouldn't expect anyone else to care enough to respond.
You're doing the same thing on multiple servers, and I don't think they appreciate it any more than we do. Actually, I'm sure they don't, because I can see that you're annoying them[5][6][7][8].
> I see that you haven't responded to my explicit inquiries about §2 and §3 of the Mastodon Covenant.
It appears they were mistaken for duplicates[9]. Significant fractions of the posts are word-for-word identical to the one he *did* answer, which at best is unnecessary repetition and at worst looks like you are deliberately spamming the timeline with copypasta.
1: https://qoto.org/@chikara/103194932276826890
2: https://qoto.org/@chikara/103195262932811017
3: https://qoto.org/@chikara/103195116062133823
4: https://qoto.org/@chikara/103195372122680388
5: https://mastodon.social/@LuigiEsq/103195944949371362
6: https://mastodon.social/@LuigiEsq/103195917423951015
7: https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/103195477821454886
8: https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/103195533864216794
9: https://qoto.org/@freemo/103195203045899014
@khird I'm still struggling with one of your sentences. You wrote, "Actually, I'm sure they don't, because I can see that you're annoying them."
My resolute response has always been NO, you're wrong -- but I've had no words to explain why. Today I found one word -- umbrage. Both @Gargron and @LuigiEsq@mastodon.social married umbrage and name-calling as tactic.-- see image below, Graham's hierarchy of disagreement; and see"How to Disagree" http://www.paulgraham.com/disagree.html
Theirs was a successful tactic.
I've almost moved on except for a continuing interest in figuring out what I could have done differently.
It bears repeating that I had no lack of words to explain, YES, I think I see what you saw. And it was easy to accept your proposed plan for what to do better going forward. -- see "How to Ask Questions the Smart Way"
I don't quite understand how Raymond & Moen can help me deflate umbrage -- not really, not yet; but its a start.
This was your point, right? -- that I have no control over what others do, but at least, I can try to have better control over my own words, right?
Thanks again.
@khird NO. These letters are upper case. If I understand correctly, this is the correct way to shout on the internet. Let's be clear: I'm shouting NO.
In real life, I don't shout. I'm a quiet man. But that's changing.
I was disbelieving when you imported homophobic hate to QOTO. I should have felt soiled, but I didn't. This confused me for a time, but not so much now.
"We know that every moment is a moment of grace." -- see 8th paragraph in Elie Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1986/wiesel/26054-elie-wiesel-acceptance-speech-1986/
I presented my trivial questions to @freemo because of a blind and deaf woman
I cannot do everything, but
still I can do something; and
because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse to
do something that I can do
-- Helen Keller
I was uncertain about what I owed to @admin et al. at Humlr.social
But you pushed me hard in a transformative direction; and I felt compelled to search out the words of a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
"There may be times when we are powerless ..., but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- see last paragraph in Elie Wiesel's 1986 Nobel Prize lecture https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1986/wiesel/lecture/
Generally, I almost always hold myself back unless I'm speaking up for someone else, and even then I'm slow. But that's changing.
NO. In this one word, you've helped me find my voice.
Where did you see homophobia on qoto?
@khird @admin