The birth of #Linux
27 years ago.
On August 25 1991 Linus Torvalds wrote to comp.os.minix:
"I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones."
"won't be big" he said. 😃
Happy birthday, Linux, and congratulations to Mr. Torvalds.!msg/comp.os.minix/dlNtH7RRrGA/SwRavCzVE7gJ
@KizunaAI Welcome btw <3
@KizunaAI error: unknown type name 'Hello'
On August 24th 1349 six thousand Jews are killed in Mainz after being blamed for the bubonic plague.#history #antisemitism
@Demo318 No one else is giving the release date so probably it's not the real one, but may serve as a reference :)
@Demo318 @Surasanji Here it says the 31 december, idk if it's trustworthy tho
@indiauplko usually a coffee in the morning, another at midday & another after the dinner. Not really a fan of sugary drinks anymore, I try to drink more water
@Nik Wow! Such a great post, can't stop looking at it 😍
Both a great video & a great song imo ❤️
@indiauplko I'm sure there is a way to send feedback to Mastodon devs, it would be nice if you request the feature so they know
@indiauplko Waa really? Sadly I wasn't even born in the era when it was openly used. But nowadays I use it for #voidlinux freenode channel and some other channels. It stills a great way of communication imo
@freemo Exactly, I'm really glad I found qoto for this exact reason, the full-width UI improves a lot the general experience imo
@egoleo Thanks! I do search stuff in GitHub sometimes, but the amount of projects is a little crazy and it may be difficult to find projects in the scope I wanted, so I thought someone could have some specific recommendations 😋 , thanks again!
@madhur @Muo
Welcome Madhur, hope you enjoy your time here 😊❤
@jegoodwin To be honest, I now appreciate much more the work of technical writers. It's such a difficult job to keep both the general and the technical legibility and structure of the document.
Software Engineering student.
I really really want a lemonade.