Hoping it gets points across in as text in music as plain text between people seems limited.
Any ideas or comments welcome... (about anything Fediverse! ).
Hate to sound desperate but those have time to increment the good are dying out since measurably professions that are allowed and sterilised don't really achieve what I want so there's a song about it and how we the Fediverse can increment almost anything ourselves ! ⬅️
@cwh050 Fair enough...
While here let me advert some personal work if interested
It's Fediverse lyrics and music together (no tricks!) ➡️ https://qoto.org/@freeschool/112473817322718343
Hoping it gets points across in as text in music as plain text between people seems limited.
Any ideas or comments welcome... (about anything Fediverse! ).
Hate to sound desperate but those have time to increment the good are dying out since measurably professions that are allowed and sterilised don't really achieve what I want so there's a song about it and how we the Fediverse can increment almost anything ourselves ! ⬅️
⌛ 👀 Use me!