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In little more than a decade of feverish work, Robert Frank broke the rules of documentary #photography and reset the template for postwar photogs who plied their art with a camera on the street

Here, a young man is carrying a tulip--maybe for the woman in the background? An older man approaches. It's a classic romantic #Paris street photo. The knowledge that Frank had gotten a friend to pose explains how the #photograph came to be — without diminishing its charm

"Tulip/Paris," 1950 #history

Back in (very sunny) Heidelberg! Looking forward to meeting students & postdocs at the Uni and reconnecting with my former colleagues at EMBO.

#pancreaticcancer is a deadly disease. New #trial data shows early benefits for addition of a personalized #mRNA #vaccine to #adjuvantchemotherapy after resection of the tumor. This feature in Deutsche Welle discusses the implications with Nina Bhardwaj and Drew Weissman #Immunotherapy #oncology

Don't wait for the earth-shattering kaboom

"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang — that is, a sudden, universal catastrophe — but with a series of smaller, more local catastrophes that keep getting bigger and more widespread."

@cyrilpedia Fully agreed! It is not understandable, why still no standard format for all first submissions exist...a simple json or XML type basic layout would be so easy and each journal could build a simple conversion tool to even produce PDFs automatically...

"These data demonstrate that IL-22 promotes DNA damage response activation in proximal tubule cells, switching pro-recovery DDR responses to a pro-cell death response and worsening acute kidney injury."

IL-22 promotes acute kidney injury through activation of the DNA damage response and cell death in proximal tubule cells

Acute kidney injury (AKI) affects over 13 million people world-wide annually and is associated with a fourfold increase in mortality. Our lab and others have shown that DNA damage response (DDR) governs the outcome of AKI in a bimodal manner. Activation of DDR sensor kinases protects against AKI, while hyperactivation of DDR effector proteins, such as p53, induces to cell death and worsens AKI. The factors that trigger the switch from pro-reparative to pro-cell death DDR remain to be resolved. Here we investigate the role of interleukin 22 (IL-22), an IL-10 family member whose receptor (IL-22RA1) is expressed on proximal tubule cells (PTCs), in DDR activation and AKI. Using cisplatin and aristolochic acid (AA) induced nephropathy as models of DNA damage, we identify PTCs as a novel source of urinary IL-22, making PTCs the only epithelial cells known to secret IL-22, to our knowledge. Functionally, IL-22 binding its receptor (IL-22RA1) on PTCs amplifies the DDR. Treating primary PTCs with IL-22 alone induces rapid activation of the DDR in vitro. The combination of IL-22 + cisplatin or AA treatment on primary PTCs induces cell death, while the same dose of cisplatin or AA alone does not. Global deletion of IL-22 protects against cisplatin or AA induced AKI. IL-22 deletion reduces expression of components of the DDR and inhibits PTC cell death. To confirm PTC IL-22 signaling contributes to AKI, we knocked out IL-22RA1 in renal epithelial cells by crossing IL-22RA1floxed mice with Six2-Cre mice. IL-22RA1 KO reduced DDR activation, cell death, and kidney injury. These data demonstrate that IL-22 promotes DDR activation in PTCs, switching pro-recovery DDR responses to a pro-cell death response and worsening AKI. Targeting IL-22 represents a novel therapeutic approach to prevent the negative consequences of the DDR activation while not interfering with the processes necessary for repair of damaged DNA. ### Competing Interest Statement C.R. Brooks reports having ownership interest in DermYoung LLC. All remaining authors have nothing to disclose.

'A global comparison of the long-read data from young and aged mice showed an age-associated increase in the expression of noncoding transcripts, including IgV pseudogenes, lncRNAs and transcripts with retained introns (Supplementary Fig. 7). This is consistent with observations that an increased frequency of intron retention has been identified as a signature of ageing in fruitfly, mouse and human'

AstraZeneca invests in Tregs

"One of the most promising UK biotech start-ups, Quell Therapeutics, has signed a research collaboration and licensing deal with AstraZeneca to develop treatments for two autoimmune diseases."

Scientific publication is a complex ecosystem, and there is no shortage of views on how to improve it, support it, burn it down, rebuild it, finance it, etc

But we should be able to agree on one thing: forcing authors to format manuscripts before the manuscript is accepted is an immense waste of time.

A Europa só terá uma voz se estiver unida. Mas só vale a pena a Europa unir-se se for de forma democrática. O Partido Verde Europeu é, provavelmente, aquele que mais tem feito propostas para que a União Europeia não seja só um clube de democracias e seja ela própria uma democracia europeia.

- Rui Tavares

It's official - we have a business! More news soon.

Celebrating with David del Álamo in Madrid.

This is just a ludicrous policy. Think of it this way: what would happen if Australia, Japan, South Africa or India asked for the lab notebooks of American researchers every three months? This is ill-considered policy, which will dissuade global health research. This is on NIH and HHS. They put this in place. They need to fix it.

June 9, 1891, French painter Paul Gauguin arrives in Papeete, Tahiti - a landscape of Tahiti with #volcano 🌋🖌️

It's official - we have a business! More news soon.

Celebrating with David del Álamo in Madrid.

AstraZeneca invests in Tregs

"One of the most promising UK biotech start-ups, Quell Therapeutics, has signed a research collaboration and licensing deal with AstraZeneca to develop treatments for two autoimmune diseases."

"As of January 2023, the estimated prevalence of long Covid among people in the United States who had had acute infection was 11%. According to guidance released in August 2021 by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice, long Covid can be considered a protected disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and under other disability-antidiscrimination mandates (such as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act)."

My Clinical Pipeline column for Nature Medicine this week examines the state of Sarepta's new gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy application at the FDA. Whatever its final efficacy turns out to be, the general strategy behind the therapy, an engineered micro-dystrophin is very clever.

It was inspired by the case of a 61 year old patient who had a deletion of almost half of his dystrophin gene and was still alive and walking. Here's that ref, from 1990:

And here's my column:

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