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David Ing boosted

@daviding @Matt_Noyes you can solve both relative cleanly with Cloudron (email server and app management) + NextCloud (calendars, contacts, files). Works fine across several devices. Even easier with a $25/year membership.

David Ing boosted

Racing #Geely 131-horsepower Emgrand GL sedan on the #Shanghai International Circuit Formula One track. American auto journo participates in a Geely event. Interesting read. Has some unique Chinese culture on display. She may have been discounted because of being female.

Chabuduo 差不多,or "good enough" is very often used in #China, and for good reason.

David Ing boosted

I think the argument being we should have coops that interoperate on top of a shared protocol; not one coop that dominates an entire market with a platform.

Relates somewhat to the Statebook article (, which argued that the state would serve us better if it focused on building and promoting shared protocols, not on building a Facebook alternative.

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David Ing boosted

We should view protocols as the digital means of production, more so than platforms. And that ‘protocol cooperatives’ will do more to break down capitalism than platform coops will. think the main argument being that platform coops are inherently centralised, and that as far as challenging capital goes, we should be striving for decentralised architectures.

Should we think about systems changes, in a way that we think about weather changes? SJ Marshall (also known as Joel Biroco) wrote on the meaning of Yi in the ZhouYi, which was the earlier basis for the Yi Jing (known to most westerners as the I Ching).

> In the Shang oracle-bone inscriptions this character refers to ‘a yi sacrifice to the sun’, the context suggesting a ritual intended to change overcast conditions and rainy weather, and bring the sun out again. In the inscriptions the character precedes ri, ‘sun’, literally meaning ‘change to sun’ or ‘change to sunny weather’.

"The Meaning of Yi in I Ching"

David Ing boosted

How using open data science has worked for the Ocean Health Index. It's impressive how big a difference their open processes have made on their progress. #OpenScience #OpenData

Think that you’ll be working past age 65? 2018 survey says >25% were forced to retire, 59% retired voluntarily.

> Just more than one-quarter of them were forced to retire, possibly for medical reasons, corporate restructuring or reaching a mandatory retirement age. Fifty-seven per cent said they retired voluntarily, while the rest said they reached retirement age and felt it was time to stop working (3 per cent didn’t reply).

David Ing boosted

Chinese #dissidents ask #Twitter to consider dual key accounts, where deletion of a Twitter account requires two approvals.

Chinese police have been forcing people to delete their Twitter accounts against their will. I wonder if these deleted accounts could be reinstated?

It is an interesting idea, a unique use case specific to #China, but useful to them. We in the West don't have these repressive conditions.

The traditional separation of mind and body is dissolved by Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, with Dr. Allan Abbass departing from traditional western medicine.

> it challenges the way society – and the medical system – have traditionally separated physical symptoms from mental illness and emotions, dividing what the body feels from what the mind thinks.

The maxim "the meek shall inherit the earth" doesn't necessarily mean what I thought.

> : I read this New Testament line, well, decades ago and I could never understand it.... Meek just doesn’t seem to me to be a moral virtue. [....] I’ve been using this site called Bible hub .... And the line “the meek shall inherit the earth”— “meek” is not a good translation or the word has moved in the 300 hundred years or so, three hundred years or so since it was translated. What it means is this, “those who have swords and know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the world.”

"Joe Rogan Experience 1070, Jordan Peterson Transcript" | erikamentari | 2018 at

"The Joe Rogan Experience #1070" | Jan. 30, 2018 at

> Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
> (5) The meek.--The word so rendered was probably used by St. Matthew in its popular meaning, without any reference to the definition which ethical writers had given of it, but it may be worth while to recall Aristotle's account of it (Eth. Nicom. v. 5) as the character of one who has the passion of resentment under control, and who is therefore tranquil and untroubled, as in part determining the popular use of the word, and in part also explaining the beatitude.

Matthew 5:5 at

David Ing boosted

We did some protesting in Brussels today for the right to repair, and against the watering down of repairability legislation


David Ing boosted

I think it's pretty clear who the real threats are to basic freedoms and human rights like privacy for people in anglophone countries, and it's not Huawei or ZTE:

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@ChangelingRandy Please add me to Academia, Cooperatives, Cycling, Economics, Engineering, Environmentalists, FLOSS, Free Culture, KDE, Linux, Open Education, Permaculture, Philosophy, Podcasts, Science, Social Innovation, Systems Thinking, Technology, Vegan, WordPress, Writing.

David Ing boosted

This really is amazing and a great watch!

It's Been 50 Years: Take Some Time This Weekend To Watch Doug Engelbart's Mother Of All Demos

Normally, on the weekend, we look back at what we wrote about on Techdirt five, ten and fifteen years ago, but I'm going to pre-empt at least a bit of that with this post. Ten years ago, we wrote about the 40th anniversary of the famous and...

David Ing boosted

@bgcarlisle @daviding Posting a #ContentWarning for the retweet of an official Government of #Canada travel advisory is beyond absurd.

This is an official Government statement, and not at all political. This post offers helpful advice to Canadians who might travel abroad. You wish to censor this?

You wish to categorize an official government travel advisory as political? Please rethink your logic.

When tourism accounts for one in 10 jobs worldwide, can a more "sustainable and responsible" way that benefits local communities be found?

> The [United Nations' World Tourism Organization] forecasts 1.8 billion trips by 2030, up from 1.2 billion in 2016. Add in the 5 billion domestic trips now, and that's a lot of tourists. Cheap airfare is helping to fuel the growth, along with massive growth in international travel from countries like China.

"Managing overtourism an increasing feature of global travel" | Pan Pylas | Nov. 15, 2017 at

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