Need to fix again another #airsensor #airrohr for being visible in #opensensemap
They degrade very different. Some kept working nearly 2 years while others went out after some months. Probably depends on the environment.
I think Im getting a little better at the 3D scanning process, and the #Scaniverse software on iOS keeps getting more and more refined.
Lion statue from the #Cleveland museum of art. #CMA #ClevelandOH #lidar #3dscan
🍄🍄 Mushroom adventures in #photogrammetry continue! 🍄🍄
I guess this is some kind of a bracket fungus?
Can someone help ID this please? 🥳
#fungifriends #mushroom #mushrooms #fungi #algae #moss #lichen #photography #nature #biology #trees #LichenSubscribe #mosstodon
Impressive detail on the fabric
#mak #maker #photogrammetry #3d
@falken I only got the Expanse experience in the background 🚀
@preinheimer Haha thanks :D
Hover and wait - until you get *alt*
@saramg @preinheimer I dont get it so I have to retoot it to get it on my smartphone to be able to read the alt text because in the browser i do not get it either. What an effort 🚀
It's difficult to measure developer productivity, and conventional metrics are often lacking. Abi Noda and Tim Cochran begin a post explaining the role qualitative metrics can play.
If it was not a sunny Friday, I would give this online #emu a try:
The #emulator looks solid and embeds in the browser. stunning #zelda #retrogaming
Sichere Webbrowser: Mozilla Firefox erfüllt alle Mindestanforderungen des BSI
Das BSI hat Version 3.0 seiner Mindestanforderungen an sichere Webbrowser veröffentlicht und zeigt unter anderem, wie es um deren Sicherheit bestellt ist.
Why nobody talks about #spaghetti
Starke Ticketnachfrage: Lufthansa verdoppelt Gewinn
Große Reiselust und gestiegene Ticketpreise haben der Lufthansa im vergangenen Jahr das drittbeste Ergebnis der Firmengeschichte beschert. Der Nettogewinn des Konzerns verdoppelte sich auf fast 1,7 Milliarden Euro.
@PC_Fluesterer @mysk Basically: "There are no such people. Not in the business world."
But I am a people (should have been my response)