I haven't followed the #TheBadSpace discussion in all details... but isn't the whole point of the #Fediverse that people can curate their own experiences rather than having their own timeline be determined by corporate algorithms?
And obviously, different users with different backgrounds have different perspectives and needs. Obviously, #BIPOC people - who represent a _much_ smaller percentage of users of Mastodon than it is the case with, say, Twitter - have different perspective on what they need for curating block lists.
Thus, I think the concept behind TheBadSpace is sound. And if it doesn't work out in practice, then I hope that other BIPOC Mastodon users come up with their own systems.
But "one size fits all" lists for defederation are not and will never be sufficient. We desperately _need_ different perspectives if we are to grow, and hopefully supplant corporate social media.
And supplanting corporate social media _should_ be the goal, since they are all riling people up against each other for the sake of "engagement". We are already seeing where this leads.
Waiting for my #murena #fairphone to be delivered
Tekken or Streetfighter?
Die Toniebox bekommt - zunächst testweise - ein ChatGPT Upgrade und soll den Kindern selbstständig Geschichten erzählen.
Was genau erzählt wird, möchten die Eltern bitte vorher selber redaktionell prüfen, indem sie die generierten Geschichten vorhören.
Wo da dann genau die beworbene Zeitersparnis bleibt: auf der Strecke.
Und natürlich schauen damit auch die Autor.innen in die Röhre, aus deren kreativer Energie ChatGPT neue, generische Geschichten anmischt.
Ich hab ja Mal gedacht ChatGPT und Co führten dazu, dem Menschen stumpfe Arbeiten abzunehmen, so dass mehr Raum für Freizeit und kreative Betätigung entsteht.
Jetzt läuft's genau andersrum.
To avoid the dependency (and censorship) from a third party some ppl operate their personal resolver (for example outbound on a pi-hole). All their devices will query this resolver - even from abroad via VPN. 7/n
Nepal decides to ban TikTok