@freemo @toxomat @ceoln @PaulaToThePeople @SecondJon @shelenn It’s really disappointing that no one is interested in listening to unblocking qoto of those who are blocking us and delisting us. I think ample reasoning has been provided.
It doesn’t look like there is a solution and even though it unfairly affects us it’s their decision. Just wanted to register my disappointment.
I feel like they have adopted the right wing mantra that saying free speech is hate speech. Then it becomes a blank check to block any group of people you don’t like.
I just completed "Rock Paper Scissors" - Day 2 - Advent of Code 2022 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/2
@djlink completely agree! This is the truest statement I have ever seen.
@RoboPack@mastodon.social What alternatives would you consider?
It was frustrating to wait about 6 months for my Raspberry Pi from Digikey(When it arrived I actually forgot I’d placed the order in the first place).
But…Is it only a scalping issue or are there supply chain issues. Is there anything @Raspberry_Pi@raspberrypi.social that is planned to increase production to meet people’s needs that don’t want a kit?
@derickflorian @PHolder Definitely ok to post your AoC solution on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/
Pay attention to the formatting conventions.
Each day will have a megathread for solutions that opens once the leaderboard is filled.
It's also a great place to get hints!
@dev_Paul You have been using try hack me for a while now? How do you like it? Does it teach you anything about how to secure things like servers or safe coding?
@PHolder ok, great, thank you! That makes sense that I’m not really spoiling the competition for anyone! I will post my repo tomorrow.
@derickflorian > One thing I was wondering is ok to post solutions to the challenges or no?
Sure. I post my on a forum that supports hiding behind spoiler tags, but by the time the first hour or two has past, the hard-core coders have already gotten the top prizes and us regular folks are just plodding along. The Reddit for AoC has guidelines for the posting of code, and they follow the stats to see when all of the top 100 have be claimed.
Thank you Senator Warren for voting against an unfair contract for our railroad workers. Senator Markey, I am very disappointed that you supported imposing a contract that doesn’t allow for sick leave. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00372.htm#top #RailroadStrike #MAPoli
Remembering IBM error code books though. You'd look, you'd index, you'd eventually get to the "right" binder, and on page 1062, find that the reason for error 5078 is that "Error 5078 has occurred"
Minecraft Build
My daughters and I used to play #Minecraft 🎮 every day together. School started, work changed, life changed. I miss those times. I just ran across this old build in a beautiful lush valley.
Very appreciative for the gentle encouragement of @PHolder to embark on the Advent of Code Challenge. I complete the first day of challenges using C.
One thing I was wondering is ok to post solutions to the challenges or no?
- IBM has easy to understand C documentation that's less opaque than the Linux documentation for me. Example: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.4?topic=functions-fgets-read-string
- sorting an array is not that easy. the function I used was qsort() and you have to implement a comparator. I adapted the comparator from here: https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/algorithm/qsort. The only difference is I used uint64_t for everything(not sure if it was the best choice but it had all the room I needed).
- To read a bunch of numbers from a file I couldn't get fscanf) to work well because it skipped over blank lines I read in as uint64_t so I couldn't figure out where each set of numbers ended. I had better luck with a combo of fgets() and stroull().
I actually really couldn't believe I finished it. The satisfaction of eventually getting something working in C is real!
@PHolder I did both parts of the challenge! Thank you for the nudge! I learned a ton doing this set of challenges.
@dev_Paul Nice, I remember you doing this last year. I am jumping in this year. I bet you I took a full 2hr longer to solve this in C :). I was extremely tempted to run back to Python.
Just broke into software development. Currently struggling to grasp C!