#QOTO #QotoJournal
And I just prepared this post, to show people who might be interested in joining our community.
Qoto.org moderation team has decided to implement a new policy, to restrict new user applications - the door was NOT locked, but we are requesting people wanting to Join Qoto to provide a little info about themselves.
How do their interests relate to our Science, Tech, Engineering and Math focus, so that we could have a less General type of instance; there are MANY of those, open to signups.
I noticed in a @users post this morning that we have added *5 new users* only, over the last 24 hours. This is down from a recent peak of over 90 in the same 24 h period.
...and you know, there IS a reason.
We ask new users some questions, and they can fill in their response, which gets sent in to us, mods.
I looked at my email just now. I had 20 New User Application messages.
And I took a couple of snapshots - to share here. One of these has a ONE WORD response (not enough, you think?)
Most of them, had NO response at all. Honest, should we let such a low effort response in?
From the 20 in my email, I think I remember about *3 or so* that got approved.
Making this public, as I think it's for the BEST.
Thanks to @freemo and @arteteco - we are on the right track, friends. Steady as she goes. Carry on. 😛