@nurderk @georgrestle Wenn Merz die Pro-AfD-Stimmen halbiert, hat es was von short-buying: aus heutiger Sicht war die AfD nur halb so stark wie heute.

meta trick 

# Do some accounts flood your TL while others dry out? Here's a trick

Put your followees in lists that group them by their pace (= toots per unit of time). I use the numbers relative to my own pace. A pace of one means, I have the same. A pace of 50 means, for each of my post they post 50. Yes, those exist.

Here is the script I used to measure the pace:

These: Almkühe fressen das Gras, das wir nicht essen wollen. Die Hänge wären ansonsten unbewirtschaftbar. Irland hat weite Weideflächen u.a. weil Findlinge den Gebrauch wirtschaftlicher Erntemaschinen verunmöglichen. Ziegen fressen in heißen Regionen die trockenen Büsche, die Menschen nicht mal weichkochen könnten. Schweine fraßen vor 100 J. noch den Bioabfall vieler Haushalte.
Wer nur auf die fehlsubventionierte Hochleistungsmast der 1. Welt schaut, übersieht diese Restverwertung durch Haustiere.


I'm pro-Followfriday!

@ninapaley - She's one reason I joined Twitter. (The other one is @kathrinpassig.) She's a feminist creative-commons enthusiast and animator, made several cc movies like Sita Sings the Blues (Indian folklore) and Seder-Masochism (origin of paternal religion) both are iconic and fun to watch!

@janboehm - A German entertainer who runs a very popular (politically left-wing) satire show close to the style of John Oliver, famous for several investigative reports. Now he turns out to be activist and started two instances using public broadcast money: (open) and (closed).

@sozialwelten - An German initiator of a twitter bubble. He simply started a podcast by talking to random people on Twitter. All interviewees and listeners came closer and formed , a Niklas Luhmann fanbase, basically. However, he runs his own instance now, uses it like a wiki (Zettelkasten).


Do you know any elderly female stars? Have we banned them from publicity by paying them pensions and ageism?

RT @BettinaSRoss1
This is fabulous!

How Presidents Walk.

Credit: Stefan Leonhardsberger
Via: michaelschulteshow /IG

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