How to fix it: Switch from single tabs bar to default mode (all duplicates removed, some lists missing, imho) then back on (all lists there)
@Tusky Please add "Add to List" to the profile context menu!
Here's a great and growing list of sociologists on mastodon: https://trutzig89182.github.io/Mastodon-Sociologists/
Managed by @perspektivbrocken
It's very easy to import a selection or all of these #sociologists to keep up to date with the field.
An alle, die von Twitter ins #Fediverse bzw. zu #Mastodon gewechselt haben: Lasst euch Zeit, probiert es aus und lasst euch von den Unkenrufen aus Twitscherland nicht beirren. Alle, die auf kommerzielle Plattformen, die von Algorithmen beherrscht werden, keine Lust mehr haben: Ihr seid hier richtig. ✌
Hi there! I am a sociologist working at the Swedish Institute for Social Research. Mostly interested in country-comparative research on how social policy affects poverty, inequality, gender equality, and the situation of single parents. #introduction
RT @CCDHate@twitter.com
🚨 EXPOSED: Google took $10.9m dollars from Big Oil to appear at the top of search results for terms like “eco-friendly”.
Our groundbreaking research reveals how Google enables Big Oil’s greenwashing.
@Google@twitter.com must #BreakUpWithBigOil
Remember this picture every single time you hear someone in your city say "we're not Amsterdam." This was #Amsterdam in the 1970's. The cities we admire made better choices regarding cars, and are still making them today.
Better choices instead of excuses.
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix