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Super important

NYC Health Dept Advisory

1. Everyone should wear a mask indoors in stores, offices, lobbies, hallways, elevators, public transportation, schools, child care facilities, and other public shared spaces.

2. Also in crowded outdoor settings [should include when near others, not just crowds]

3. When you are sick and are near others in shared living spaces

4. If positive for covid-19

Wear high quality N95, KN95, KF94 [they say for extra protection, please use it!]


Ryle had a heart attack. 

People being sent death threats... DDoS on UFoI members, one LGBTQ server in good standing was blocked by 33 other instances for supporting us openly.... Yet they insist there is no problem that needs addressing, to the point they violently oppose an agreement between server admins to engage in transparency, ethics, and evidence in interinstance moderation....

These things prove that the need for the UFoI is very real.


Transparency Reports  

Ryle had a heart attack. 

There's a common Libertarian cliche: Assume the regulation you favor will be enforced by your worst enemy.

I'd like to add another one: Assume the regulation you favor will be enforced by blithering idiots.

Here is more of the patent BS which forces me to not deal with this particular breed of leftist. It's pretty obvious that the planetary carrying capcity is exceeded it is not "eco-fascist". In fact, most - but not all - far right ideologies hew the capitalist line that this dude is putting out.No point engaging.

What is cool about you don't have to worry about getting cancelled. Any attempt to argue with the idiot on kolektiva would result in a permanent IP ban.

It sames right there in his handle he is presumed to be black so he can say what he wants.

Who was it Himmler that said "is a jew who I say is a Jew".

So now this dude is all about "is a fascist who I say is a fascist".

Fucking idiot.

My thought for the day:

“It doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.” Rick Blaine, Casablanca

I just learned of several more instances that have removed us from block lists.. Im glad to see so many instance admins are willing to listen to reason and have changed their decisions in light of the facts and evidence. From what I hear it wasnt just my emails but the efforts of so many in the community showing support for us. I really appreciate that from all of you.

In this corner you have CCP

In the other corner, you have politicized ostrich denialists.


Inviting to dinner might have been an effective checkers move in some universe, maybe.

Breaking bread with was utterly fucking stupid. He has no real base, the far right thinks he's a jackass and wrote him off months ago. If he ever had any traction to begin with.

is simply crazy, out of his league, the perfect picture of nouveau riche. Not even so talented just got lucky and hit the charts big, made all the right connections with high powered producers and promoters.

With gaining on him the movement might continue without Trump. His one last chance might be the but he will likely squander that opportunity.

The madhouse that is becoming will probably be a laughinstock for centuries.

If the US electoral system was not so rigged with two senators per state, electoral college, etc., the would be crumbling, It's not doing so well as it is. 2025 will be a very interesting year. Prepare.

All that has been said, black people are fucking people like anyone else. They are not monkeys. They are not "lower". Their DNA is 99.9% the same as anyone else's. Some of them are badasses and smart as a whip.

Me, fuck it. I just work here.

It is a coin toss whether I get a pissed off white supremacist or a pissed off black nationalist yelling at me in my DMs.

But actually, I don't give a fuck. They can tear each other apart I tried to do the right thing and keep the peace but the extremists on both sides won't stop and take a breath.

"If the boys wanna fight you better let 'em."

Not all white people are fat cigar smoking tech bros who don't have a clue what it is to be poor, battle weary.
Look at the history of Ireland.
The former Yugoslavia.
The crap going on in Ukraine.
You think those (white) people don't suffer?

also the black-on-black racism is awful look at the way the South African blacks terrorized the Zimbabwe blacks. Similar shit going on in Kenya. The Congo is one of the worst human rights disasters on the planet you don't even want to know about the way the soldiers rape the women.

The Rwanda genocide.

But oh, yeah, they blame white people.

And no I don't use the term "
because it is plain old black-on-white racism.

A thought experiment
How about if someone posted "White people only reply to this thread. POC you can boost and favorite, only. OK now let's talk about black on white know I know you know it is real, it is often pretty extreme, and you're not supposed to ever ever bring it up or you will be labelled as a "racist".

OK now I am not into Tucker Carlson or any of that. But this is the reality that comes out of trying to be a decent human being. I see all the antiracist people ready to throw stones and run you off if you have the slightest sense that maybe just maybe the "blue eyed devils" are not the root of all evil.

The silo on mastodon is a spiral of self-pity and stolen valor of 19th century slaves who revolted.

Mention all the times you as a white person were subject to violent crime/POC perps, you'd be lucky if it was just crickets.

But no then that makes YOU are racist. And the din of accusations are enough to make you deaf to whatever legitimate points these people are making,

I never, ever use the term "reverse racism". But I will be accused of it.
This picture shows that these people are creating a silo where they only allow the politically correct party line.

@freemo @kev @da5nsy @mike

Thank you for this update, I am planning to stay here on qoto,

If need be I can block people / servers who support or who are posting inappropriate content easy enough

What I have seen has NOT originated from Qoto, which makes it far easier to block the server it does originate on.

@ypc_bunsen just to add: in the end I am staying on QOTO for the tech features I value. Works for me. And thanks to @freemo for the supporting admin and devel work.

25,179 accounts
+16 in the last day
+266 in the last week

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.