I wanted to say "thank you" to someone using an emoji, and realized there's no clear single emoji for that. In fact no clear real world non-verbal way to say it either. How weird that we created nods and shrugs and namastes and many others, but none for this very common thing humans want to express.
@digital_carver Does ASL count as a culture? They obviously have one :)
@digital_carver ASL?
@digital_carver Of course there is an emoji for thank you, its this one: 🍆
(by which of course I mean "thank you for reminding me")
@digital_carver (this means you are welcome in emoji speak)
@digital_carver I've seen people using 2 hands pressed together (like praying, basically) as a thank you gesture.
@trinsec I've used it myself, but it's part of the general "Namaste" gesture that's used for many other things too, right?
@digital_carver Yeah, it can be praying, or 'please' or even 'thanks'. I guess it depends on context.
Does anyone know of any culture that has a unique unambiguous gesture to say "thank you" ? We generally manage to convey it by nods and smiles and other context-dependent signals, but does some culture have a context-independent clear non-verbal way to convey thanks?
#nonverbal #communication #anthropology #anthro