@shapr Then...
Someone is using my software WHERE?
@me No.
@gregeganSF @mpesce because the trajectories aren't milkomedogenic anymore?
@siderea > just get subscription service from PayPal
Famous last words..
There are 3 types of Visitor:
* Standard Visitor: that are very easy to contain or do not need many resources to contain. It does not mean that the visitor is harmless, just simple to contain.
* Marriage/Civil partnership: that require more resources to contain completely or where containment isn't always reliable. Usually this is because the relationship is insufficiently understood or is inherently unpredictable.
* Transit visitor: that are very difficult to contain or haven't yet been contained. Generally, the resources used to contain those are often very limited, yet they need much of the resources to contain it. This doesn't mean the visitor is dangerous; just difficult to contain.
@omgubuntu Nice.
BVH is love, BVH is life 📦
Ramped up samples, bounces, and resolution and the rendering time is still less than the first attemts with the linear traversal of all objects in the world.
Converting interaction event into a single-constructor with additive, multiplicative, and scatter components helped a little too.
Also, skipped ray bouncing when attenuation drops below 10-bit range. The limit practically remains to prevent infinite bounces between perfect mirrors.
Cornell box, here I come!
@dneaves `Monad a` by any other name
Would (>>=) as sweet
@boilingsteam A car model where the Windows powers multimedia AND drivetrain
> The technology that was at this time last year being somberly touted as so powerful that it posed an existential threat to humanity is now worrying investors because it is apparently incapable of generating passable marketing emails reliably enough.
No, the x-tech that can end it for humanity is not LLM (of a current generation).
The x-tech that will do it is only brewing in the "AI gain of function" labs.
I suspect people who claim "they say matrix multiplication will kill us" didn't do their homework before posting.
@pmidden Translating "Ray tracing: the next week" book code to Haskell
Textures are just `Material a` combinators concerned with producing stuff at hit points.
Since the Material is a Monad now, no need for special cases for colors and then another bunch of combinators for materials.
A sampler can be used to pick entire materials if needed.
(Ooops, I actually CPSd a little...)
@johncarlosbaez @BartoszMilewski Diaspora, and then Incandescence, had an interpersonal take on this: What if the life itself is so successful that it is possible to collectively exhaust all the interesting bits galaxy-wide?
@BartoszMilewski @johncarlosbaez The Culture has 400 years cutoff, which seems... arbitrarily little to the point of being "deathist".
Toots as he pleases.