Claim #pelosi doesn't have a brain. Winning legal #defense! #solvingproblems
That #inmemoriam list
is getting pretty thick
Apparently someone didn't get their 1.3B #perdiem. 💰 💼
We really need to get #reddit back into the #tulip industry! To the #moon! 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀
Some of the gutbiome gutiverse theorologists believe they live in an expanding #bubblegut. The amount of beer or cerveza(as the cool kids call it), roaring through the system, is a tell tale sign that the Gutiverse is expanding at an incredible rate!
Now is Never the Time! ⏳ #CantWeAllJustGetAlong
Perhaps they should have tried #shorting #hydroxychloroquine instead. 🏦 📉
The Oscars/Emmys in memoriam this year are going to need a standalone event.
Dear, Unlucky Numbers Regulations Committee. Is 13 unlucky in base ten only, or are 1101 and D and other bases also unlucky?
Best regards, Your friend, #Triskaidekaphobe
The Great #Pillow Muffling! 🌋
Yet another case for, "Help! I'm being harassed on social media" #hotline! Think of the children!
Apparently an #infinity amount of monkeys typing to produce great works of literature is fine by those #liberals. But force a few #monkeys to pick coconuts makes #capitalism the bad guy! #doublestandards!
Another sign of the Great Coming of the Infernal #Apocalypse! The Great #Pillow Muffling! 🌋
First atomic clock wristwatch (2003)
#hackernews #tech
I just might be serious! (don't eat the onion)
Looking for a Princess, my pet dragon is famished!