Find what you love and let it kill you.
(Charles Bukowski)
@jmw150 ?
Artificial intelligence, and 2001: A Space Odyssey robot nearly killing a person.
It is a civilization ender.
@jmw150 Maybe that robot needs to read Asimov
I, Robot itself illustrated how its laws do not work, and this general lazy reasoning has such problems.
So that seems like kind of a glib response. 😅
@eno Charlotte, of course!
The shower is a dangerous place for a spider, I advise you to relocate it in another place of your house.
Behind the toilet is a great one in my opinion: it's out of sight and not very trafficked.
I love having spiders in the house, they take care of all the bugs!
@rastinza Unfortunately I don't have bugs, so there is a risk she will die of starvation. Probably I have to catch some flies for her outside...
I have a new rommate, I think she is a European Garden Spider(Araneus diadematus). Since I don't have a garden she decided to live in my shower. Now she needs a name, I feel uncomfortable when I don't know the name of the beeings I encounter in my bathroom in the morning. So this is the oportunity to try that poll thing...What should she be named?