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The guy who turned GNOME into a MacOS-looking garbage deserves to be punched across the face with a rusty plank

Ако за някого не са били очевидни кремълските активи в България, в т.ч. полезните идиоти, може да ги види по реакциите срещу @christogrozev

Конечно сами! Насмотрелись киселя, соловья с боброедкой и погнали штурмовать военкомат!

:ablobcatrave: FEDI EVENT :ablobcatrave:

We all love our dear fluffy ones and have so many stories with them. :ablobcatheart:
Submit a memorable picture of your Cat/Dog or any other pet with a fascinating moment or story you have with them. :catjam:
The story could be cute, funny, sad, anything. :blobfoxnombook:
The most voted buddy would become the profile avatar of every participate for a day :blobfoxsignbaka:

Participate by using the hashtag:

So let's share the best moments of our lives with the best buddies of our lives :ablobcatneon:

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When we take their data for our own personal enjoyment, they try to call it piracy. When they take our data and sell it for profit though? Well, that’s just good business.

А что случилось? Ведь, когда перекрывали европейцам газ, такие победные вскукареки из РФ неслись. Неужели в ЕС никто не замерзает и не думает ползти к расеюшке на коленях, с мольбами о газе? Неужто ЕС интенсивно и успешно замещает расеянский газ на газ других поставщиков? Выкидывая раисю с самого ликвидного для нее рынка газа. Который, кстати, был самым ценным наследием совка, вместе с оставшимся от совка же рынком нефти. Обеспечивавшими существование РФ.

Препоръчвам този един час с Христо Грозев, в който той разказва за разследванията на Белингкат.

Discovery of the week. This is how to do it; knowledge transfer at its best. Beautiful and informative! More of this kind... Please!

We are all stardust.

That oxygen you breath? That comes from dying massive stars, ending their light in a supernova.

The iron in your blood? Some massive stars dying, but mainly white dwarfs, the leftovers of dwarf stars like our own Sun, exploding.

The gold ring on your finger? Mostly merging neutron stars, leftovers from supernovae.

#astrodon #scicomm #astronomy

I feel pity for anyone who is in any way dependent on the Microsoft corporation. It is a dystopia of disempowerment and ineptitude I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Само припомням, че изборното послание на ГЕРБ беше "ред в хаоса".

В хартиената коалиция с ДПС показаха, че нямат никаква идея какво правят дори в схемите си за служебно спечелване на местния вот и превърнаха законодателния процес в още по-голяма пародия на това, което оставиха като бяха изгонени последния път от парламента.

Но тези хора сме сложили в НС. За тях е гласувала някаква част от населението, за да са точно там и явно да правят нещо такова. Дали?

Bedside tables, left Elon Musk, right Boyko Borisov, former Bulgarian PM.

This is how much the decision-makers at for-profit companies respect your privacy folks...

“We should know when users leave their house, their commute to work, and everywhere they go throughout the day. Anything less is useless. We get a lot more than that from other tech companies.”

#DataFarming #Privacy #Surveillance

If you, like me, want to support the military effort of Ukrainians (because Western decision-makers are slow to produce proper support which can speed up russian capitulation), you have a great chance to do so!

To protect #GrainExport and ensure deoccupation of the Black Sea, #Ukraine is building a fleet of #NavalDrones, under the supervision from the administration of President #Zelenskyy.

Donate here:

@ianbetteridge that kind of investing system always seems to be more about cults of personality than competence.
Then again, it's all about economics, which appears to be the bastard child of astrology, after they had a one night stand with mates, where growing up astrology tries to teach it their fathers culture as best they understand.

То есть наказывается службой в вс рф сроком до 7 лєт. 😂

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