Oh yes, I see, thank you.
If so, everything makes sense.
maybe theres someone versed in history and linguistics here:
is anyone aware of research to reconstruct/validate mythology using neighboring mythologies by representing them as ontologies like "persephone is the daughter of zeus and demeter" and searching for similar logical patterns?
to give an example, the similarity of some of the norse gods and the roman and greek gods is accepted. i wonder if there might be other hidden similarities to be found by comparing those things systematically. the _concepts_ these mythological systems had might be much more old than either of those specific myths. i'd venture that at least for the larger language families there should be similarities and basic concepts to view the world. would be pretty interesting to search for those concepts, not only discovering them by accident.
i have the feeling this is a rather low hanging fruit aside the leg work of doing the transfer of the source texts into a logical system. this must already have been done by someone :)
Can you say something in detail? I don't mean to force you, just intrigued by your words.
It's funny. If someone had asked me, seven years ago, "what is the key principle of teaching Physics," I would never have said "mystery." Now it would be at least a top-3 idea.
The only way I know how to teach is this:
1) Students summarize their understanding.
2) We poke the universe with some experiment or activity.
3) Students admit that this makes no sense.
4) We name the mystery.
5) We use logic, more experiments, graphs, etc. to solve the mystery.
6) Students summarize their (new) understanding four ways, naming this their "current model."
7) We poke the universe again, and the cycle of confusion-->named mystery-->model begins again.
从今天开始我不会给adobe公司支付任何一cent,并且将给破解工具捐款(如果他们开放paypal捐款)。对于这种流氓公司,我用盗版心安理得 :) 具体情况如下
Nothing to say , for now .