New work from the lab out in Cell today, by En Yang and colleagues:

A brainstem integrator for self-location memory and positional homeostasis in zebrafish

Do you look for in the mundane? for in the benign? Do flitter through your mind? dance on your tongue?
Might you be a ~poet~ of sorts?
Then we may be looking 👀 🔎 for you!
Please consider joining our of budding poets. We meet online biweekly to discuss and share our work.
You can check us out at

1/10) Can we find a label-free model selection algorithm in Self-supervised learning (#SSL) for #vision?

Our #NeurIPS2022 paper, α-ReQ, presents just such an #algorithm based on the structure of #representations in the #neocortex!

This is work w/ Kumar Agrawal (#Berkeley), Arnab Kumar Mondal and Arna Ghosh (#McGill/#Mila). 🧵


#AI #ML #deeplearning

If you’d like to participate in a discussion on in the context of , incl and , please come join us in an hour for this panel organized by the Concordia EDI Committee!

If you are submitting an abstract to
this year, especially if its your first time, we at the COSYNE DEIA committee have made this video to help you out:

Its interviews from experienced reviewers talking about how they evaluate abstracts

Most people on Twitter enjoyed my 'challenges', where I post a figure from a scientific paper with a duplication.
* The duplication can be within a photo or across photos (overlaps).
* The papers are usually in the biomedical field, almost always peer-reviewed.
* I usually do not list the DOI or author name. It is about the challenge, not about pointing fingers.
* First to post the correct answer with and without an illustration win emoji awards.

French authorities declare the use of Microsoft Office and Google Docs illegal in schools and education markets, as they don’t follow GDPR and might disturb later competition by making students used to these proprietary solutions.


Y’all, if you’re getting frustrated you’re not seeing the content you want to like news or intel you need on Mastodon, you really need to shift your thinking from algorithmic social media. Follower counts don’t matter much here. Likes do not matter to post reach. Without your interaction, you will just see a live FIFO firehose. Some quick fixes:

Hashtag your posts liberally and consistently, and follow key hashtags of interest to you. Hashtags matter a ton here to being seen.

Follow and also alert on accounts you always want to see content from.

Consider using the built in RSS feature for your feeds and for specific hashtags.

Consider switching to the more advanced UI in your preferences, so you can watch multiple filtered and unfiltered feeds. Or a different mobile app.

Use Fedifinder to follow all the accounts you followed on Twitter, and sync up your follow and block lists.

Avail yourself of the multiple public lists of hundreds of journalist accounts on Mastodon.


1) BREAKING: Facing inaction by public health officials, Quebec's College of Physicians urged Quebecers Sunday to wear face masks in public places to help overflowing pediatric emergency rooms struggling with an influx of kids with respiratory infections.

@tyrell_turing I presume that depends on how we choose to conduct ourselves once we are here... I've so far experienced only pleasantry, but I see that corporate-style social media obsession for validation in the form of followers and re-toots already creeping in on Mastodon, which I can only imagine must feel discomforting to the original habitants of this space.

I was not very mindful in setting up and growing a presence on Mastodon - looking to find a way to better understand the culture that was present before me and participate in it, versus colonizing it.

Important reading:

Ok I guess this is what one does with to reforming communities—an intro:

Hi! I’m interested in circuit development from a cellular / systems perspective, particularly neuron-glia and brain-body interactions. For my PhD, I used imaging to study (1) myelination and (2) NMDAR activity in circuit development and refinement.
Currently I’m figuring out “what next” while doing . Check out my projects <> and connect!

@ambihelical @durrivedfunktor same--just search and follow 😅. The only thing about being on different servers is you can't see someone's followers / following list when those people are on a different server 🤷‍♀️.

Hey #neuroscience #neurotech #neurodon

I'm very excited about a truly distributed community for #neuroscience.

Let's make it easier for new folks (and #twitterexodus #twittermigration) folks to plug into the #neurodon community!

Please add your Mastodon information to this importable community list:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.