#BSides SATX posted some videos from last year - very appreciative of their work. Here's mine - a "why and how to setup a log4shell range in the cloud".
Me before today: #k3d and #k3s are basically the same.
Today: let's add an external node to this on demand so I can do big things!
Me today: dang, k3s and k3d are different in important ways 😥
US friends, take note. I went to vote in Berlin today and this was the line in front of the polling station. “But wait! There is no line!” Indeed. There is no line because there need not be one. Because it’s about how polling is organised. If you are standing in a line for hours in order to exercise your democratic rights, it’s because someone wants you to.#polling #democracy #righttovote
🦀 GitHub and Rust
"So..... The short answer is that we built our own search engine from scratch, in Rust ....."
Your daily #Pratchett
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
The #YouTube interface is particularly bad. It's optimized to keep me watching ads - which, fine. Whatever. But there's not a good tagging system, no way to share things within the platform with friends. No way to see what my friends might have liked. No integration with a social network period.
There is so much good interesting nerdy content in there, and that makes it the only good video platform I know of, but it's so bad at connecting me with it.
Self-soldering circuits:
So much interesting stuff on https://lobster.rs this morning.
Computer science guy, electrical engineer, US Air Force officer, jogger, likes teaching programming, aka KC0BFV.
Likes programming in: Rust, Python, JavaScript, C
Reluctantly uses: Roku's BrightScript, C++, anything