So the democrats managed to elect the first president in my life time who fought to keep schools segregated. The saddest part of that is they arent even ashamed of themselves right now.
@freemo Most won't even admit the election irregularities. "There is no fraud."
We're watching politics get much closer to religion.
I have heard democrats talk about election fraud being a rampant problems for decades and spent most of trumps presidency trying to prove it to be true. After spending four years insisting the election system is rigged now all of a sudden the system is infallible?
Don't get me wrongs i dont think its rigged, i wont dismiss it, but i want to see evidence and i have yet to see any.
I am just more concerned with the hypocrisy of a party that spent 4 years trying to go to court to get Trump kicked out for election fraud with no evidence is now all of a sudden completely offended when trump does the same and has been at it for only a day?
Also lets not forget Al Gore spent 35 days after the election was called claiming fraud before finally conceding
Thats correct. Election fraud is not limited to counting votes. In this case the election fraud would be due to circumventing the laws around elections wrt advertising and campaign funding since the russians were basically accused of campaigning for trump and using tactics that do not follow the election rules. So would still be considered election fraud.
@mewmew @djsumdog