@Demosthenes I think it says a lot if the assumption is that if liberals loose an election they might get violent to the point of killing and starting a civil war and now that the repuclicans lost there is little or no fear of them rising up in violence in the same way and starting such a war....
To me the take away from that stated truth is probably a lot different than most people would think :)
@freemo I think there was still extreme risk with Republicans losing too. The only reason I'm relaxing now is because Trump is signalling that he will let the transition occur for the good of the nation. He just as easily could have put out a call to arms and had several million people fighting for him.
To put that in perspective, the Taliban only comprises of about 10k people.
The issue isn't left-vs-right, it's a problem of growing political polarization in general.
@Demosthenes The difference here is that trump has now had the chance to call people to arms to test your theory if those fears were true. he has not, it has now been demonstrated such fears were not founded.
However your fear of liberals rising up and biden being the one who called people to do violence instead, is only waning because they won and such an ultimatum never needed to be tested in the first place.
So in one case you now have proof they were not going to rise up and be violent, as they have demonstrated with their actions, and the other group you have no evidence to support those fears are at all unfounded and remain unanswered.
So even so the logic persists that your stance shows something very important.
@freemo @Demosthenes "you have no evidence to support those fears are at all unfounded and remain unanswered."
Except you know, like, the last 4 years when we haven't had violence due to an election result.
I live in philly, for many months out of the last 4 years the skys have been black with smoke as openly liberal crowds burned down buildings, and cars and homes. I've seen mothers holding their children in the streets in hysterics as mobs of people continued to incite violence all around her...
Never in my live have I ever been a witness to such massive and repeated violence on a large scale as I have the last 4 years. Cant say I've seen a single incidence of violence from the right since Trump lost the election or before if we are talking about actual en mass or face-to-face violence. Only exception I know about are a handful of cases that have showed up on TV and almost entirely individual violence, nothing even close to what I've seen on large scale from liberal mobs.
@freemo @Demosthenes That's not because Trump was elected though. It's not because a liberal lost an election. Which is the specific irrational fear you're discussing.
@Demosthenes @freemo Philly does that before a Superbowl.
LOL its not that far from the truth. We are a particularly rowdy group and we do get absolutely crazy. But I was out during the super bown.. there is a very different atmosphere when comparing people climging street lights and crashing them down because their drunk and up to stupid destructive shit.. vs a bunch of sober people actively and intentionally trying to light building and cars on fire and putting people in the hospital when they see someone in a MAGA hat, and being a hair away from killing the dude.
@freemo @Demosthenes we did see violence from the right several times these past few years.
I'll not disagree that folks got way out of hand in Philly...
Again im not talking abotu individual and isolated cases of violence particularly that on the news.
I am talking about 1) en masse violence, which may be on the news but which most of us saw across the USA in many cities 2) what ive observed in terms of personal violence ive witness with my own eyes as someone who is fairly neutral and despises any viewpoint on either extreme end of the spectrum.
Like i said most right-wing violence ive seen have been some individual cases here and there you hear about on the news somewhere in america out of 300 million people, and not even approaching the sort of numbers we have seen from the liberals in the last 4 years.
Again there was no shortage of police killing innocent black people dead during obama either.. I mean even worse under obama, obama him self directly ordered the murder of a 16 year old child who was a us citizen and a minority without trial or due process.. like the president himself literally ordered an execution of a minority... yet despite the issue of innocent blacks being just as prevelant under obama with obama joining in on some killing, not a peep of an uprising out of them... hell most liberals i told to dont even know about the boy obama killed despite it being public knowledge and Obama even got taken to court for it, meanwhile liberals keep posting about how they missed Obama's "scandal free" presidency.
If you really think what party has a president in office had nothing to do with their violence.. i mean, your welcome to think what you wish ill still respect you and all, but that seems awfully ignorant of the facts when you lay it out.