
P is so obsessed he cant even think clearly... he has now been spamming my account for over a half hour now the dude is so far gone.

I think its pretty obvious he has issues and isnt thinking clearly...

Keep in mind this has been his obsession for over a year now.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @cowanon

@freemo @underwater @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @cowanon

> P is so obsessed he cant even think clearly... he has now been spamming my account for over a half hour now the dude is so far gone.

You demented honkey, I just fired off a shell script. This takes literally zero effort.


thats not what makes you obsessed. what makes you obsessed is that your willing to act in a way that is illegal under US law and put your entire server at risk of being shut down all because your obsessed over a guy you argued with a year ago and you have been obsessed over every since.

It isnt a matter of effort, its a matter of just how much risk you are willing to put your community at for your own personal instabilities.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

ยท ยท 1 ยท 0 ยท 0


there is more than enough documented evidence for both a slander and an harassment case against the server. so far it hasn't been enough of a nuisance to act as you have only directed your mental break down at me.

Regardless it is telling that you'd put the future of your entire server in jeopardy over your obsession over little ol' me... like i said, your only hurting yourself and looking like an unstable fool.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

@freemo @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

> there is more than enough documented evidence for both a slander and an harassment case against the server.

Go ahead and charge a computer with slander.

Get the fuck to it, boomer.

> you'd put the future of your entire server in jeopardy

Big words, lil fella.
@freemo @p @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

> there is more than enough documented evidence for both a slander and an harassment case against the server.

Please stop threatening to sue people over internet drama. It's not good for the Fediverse.

inb4 "I didn't threaten anything, I just made a statement" but we all know what you meant.


first off he sent ont he order of 100,000 messages today, so if i did want to sue or anything else I'd be entirely within my right and couldnt give a flying fuck otherwise.

But as always i see your still leaving out the context.. how about you show what I was responding to?

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @cowanon

@freemo @alex @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

> ont he order of 100,000 messages today

That would require me to have sent one per second for 27 hours straight. Not even close, monica. For the actual duration, I would have had to send 18 per second to get in that ballpark. I'd have hit my own rate-limiter. You're off by a factor of 25.

> if i did want to sue or anything else I'd be entirely within my right

Cite a law, you demented honkey.

> i see your still leaving out the context


At any rate, if that's not the pot calling the kettle a gamer word, I don't know what is.


I didn't do a count, so that's fair, 5,000 instead of 100,000 is entirely possible. Doesn't really change much.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon

@freemo @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon


But all you had to do is block. It clearly didn't bother you enough to click a block button, so I'm very interested in seeing your account of the damages.
@alex @freemo @cowanon @grips @modfaggotry @realcaseyrollins @underwater Don't make him stop, I wanna look at the judge's face when a lawyer says this shit out loud.

Empty threats, man. He's not even got a lawyer.


For context here is the whole message I replied with. Funny how the full message with context is the exact opposite of what you just suggested. Notice the second sentance right where you bothered to cut it off tha says "so far it hasn't been enough of a nuisance to act as you have only directed your mental break down at me."

there is more than enough documented evidence for both a slander and an harassment case against the server. so far it hasn't been enough of a nuisance to act as you have only directed your mental break down at me.

Regardless it is telling that you'd put the future of your entire server in jeopardy over your obsession over little ol' me... like i said, your only hurting yourself and looking like an unstable fool.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @cowanon


And just to be clear, **yes** I was claiming that should he begin to attack and harass the whole server I will take legal action. **that** was implied, and I stick by that. But I also made it clear taht at this juncture I see no reason to.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @cowanon

@freemo @alex @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @cowanon

> But I also made it clear taht at this juncture I see no reason to.

I'll give you $10 to cite a law that actually applies. I'll give you $20 if instead you get me a C&D from an actual lawyer.

@freemo @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @cowanon My opinion is that Pete should not have spammed you. But this is not the first time that you, a Fediverse admin, have made legal threats against another Fediverse admin. This is your third time, that I know about (with rumors of a fourth). I think you should be a bit more careful about when you decide to bring the law into it, as it is a VERY serious threat. If youโ€™re going to sue someone, you had better do it. There is no room for empty threats. This isnโ€™t how we promote the Fediverse.

@alex @seanking nice job dancing to p's fiddle. Read the op again, filter all the bs and drama, what do you see? "cowanon spammed fse -> freemo is cowanon -> go post at qoto how he posted on fse", that is go spam qoto. Then he goes on to spam the admin, one would presume expecting others to join in. How am I to interpret this other than he's probing ground to see if he can launch a mass harrasment or a ddos attack? Of course the moment it is pointed out he's going to go "i dindo nothin, was just a joke bro, why you mad?!". Watch him immediately back down from the cowanaon=freemo claim, once it's clear that it's not getting traction, without presenting any shred of evidence or reasoning.

freemo might have overestimated severity of his actions at a particular moment, that makes one person wrong on the internet, oh my god a tragedy.

Meanwhile what is really harmful to the network is admins who encourage turf wars and witch hunts, and that's exactly what p is doing.

@p @cowanon @underwater @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @freemo

@namark @alex

Seems P was scared enough of FSE getting shut down (the inevitable result if he had continued) he stopped the attack sometime in the night. At least he has some common sense left.

@seanking @p @cowanon @underwater @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry

@alex @freemo @cowanon @grips @modfaggotry @realcaseyrollins @underwater

> My opinion is that Pete should not have spammed you.

How'd you get the guy to fuck off and stop talking to you? Or does he hit you up on a regular basis, too?


Apparently somehow even if im blocked he still magically gets messages from me.. apparently i have some power to just will my messages to go through his block.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @r000t @cowanon

@p @freemo @alex @cowanon @grips @modfaggotry @r000t @realcaseyrollins @underwater

freemo, my nigga, you spent all shabbos kvetching. Take a day of rest, whatever it may be, and just chill for a bit. Deep breaths.

I'm already going to tell you (as someone not qualified to deliver legal counsel,) if you aren't mitigating, you don't have a case. Mitigation is required for claim of remedy, since it proves you knew of the legal injury at some time and took steps to avoid it. Otherwise, you're just having a pissing match with a bunch of randos over traffic you could easily defederate or disengage from at any time, proving your willingness to engage and thus defeating the entire motion single-handedly.

I'm not a clever man. Let's just leave it at that.


good thing that, as I stated many times, I've never had any intention of taking any legal action then huh?

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @alex @r000t @cowanon

@freemo @thatfightnerd @grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @r000t @cowanon

> good thing that, as I stated many times, I've never had any intention of taking any legal action then huh?

"You can't sue."
"I was only pretending to be retarded."
I think @freemo forced and invited @p to do it by refusing to fuck off and openly encouraging the activity.

@alex @cowanon @grips @modfaggotry @realcaseyrollins @underwater
@leyonhjelm @alex @cowanon @freemo @grips @modfaggotry @realcaseyrollins @underwater He could solve this problem by just blocking me, because Masto untags people that you have blocked. He's got this gablin idea that blocking someone means losing, so he can't block someone. Just like the gablins, this doesn't extend to the server. So he can block a server, which is like forcing mutual blocks between both servers, but he can't block a person, even if that person is sending automated spam. He doesn't mind blocking Tor access, but he won't block me, he won't block MKULTRA. He'll threaten a lawsuit instead of just clicking a button that says "I don't want to hear from this guy." It's kind of amazing.


Why would I block you? How does that accomplish anything I care about or suit my needs in any way. You want **me** to block **you** so **you** cant see **my** messages in threads your in. Solve your own damn problem and stop constantly playing the victim, dont want to see my messages in threads your in, then block me and dont.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon


Sounds like you want me to block you because you got your own damn problems and loose your shit every time you see me talking int he same threadas you, thats your problem, me I dont really care when your in a thread in the least, so it isnt my problem, its yours.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon


Why would I block him for being an obnoxious cunt, that has nothing to do with me. Like I said I get a great deal of pleasure watching this shit show that is P

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @alex @cowanon


Bring what shit? Havent been the least bit inconvenienced or upset yet.. ITs been quite enjoyable in fact seeing P trigger himself over and over and then make a fool of himself publicly.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @modfaggotry @p @underwater @alex @cowanon

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Yea ok, you literally were seeing ghosts of me on your server and accused one of your users of being me before banning them, and then made a public fool out of yourself when you tried to make a public announcement telling everyone how you caught me... but yea your not triggered.

You are a god damn fool and you walked right into that shit. All I had to do was say "yea i got some alts" and your off banning people and saying "its freemo!" lol

Why in the world would I block someone who is this entertaining.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon

@freemo @grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon When it looked like I was wrong, I said as much. Maybe I wasn't wrong, though: anonymorse seems to think I was right.

In any case, if either of us sounds "triggered", it's the one with the flimsy excuses, the lawsuit threats, the shouting at people about their dick size, and that types this kinda shit at me:

> You are a god damn fool and you walked right into that shit.

"Why would I waste time naming a law when I could argue for hours that you definitely did do all kinds of crimes? I'm gonna sue your computer and have your mean tweets impounded by the county and it wasn't me that got caught masturbating you were the one that was looking so that makes you gay!"

Give it up, dude. It's not going anywhere. You're trying to insist that I'm super upset and I have no investment in that, I just don't want to hear from you. That's the only thing I care about, here. If I was wrong, I was wrong: I don't care. I don't care if you think I was upset. On the other hand, someone one the internet thinks you're an annoying idiot and you can't handle it, you've got to sputter and threaten instead of just accepting that someone can make that assessment and going about your life. You've got to insist they're "triggered", that you were only pretending to be retarded, that you're somehow important and you're beset by jealous haters, etc., because you can't process the fact that a person that is largely indifferent to your existence doesn't like you and doesn't want to talk to you. I'm afraid we've all got to live with that reality, and you're no exception: for each human, there are some people that are going to view us as forgettable and our reappearance as an unpleasant surprise. Grow up. The world's a big place. Go interact with someone that values you; I do not.

Now, as entertainingยน as this is, I'm the hell out of this thread. Have the last word, I don't care. Do feel free to have your lawyer email me the C&D on Monday morning if you want the $20 I promised you.

ยน Tedious


I might agree with you if there was a shimmer of truth to any of that nonsense. The fact you need to fabricate complete fictions is telling enough in its own right.

@grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon

@freemo @p @grips @realcaseyrollins @leyonhjelm @modfaggotry @underwater @alex @cowanon this wouldn't be the first time P has wrongly called someone by another name and stuck by it in some grand crusade of autism with some retarded ass logic. P thinks me and @Nobody are the same person still (i think?)
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