"I have only two rules which I regard as principles of conduct. The first is: Have no rules. The second is: Be independent of the opinion of others." - Einstein


@Chrisleon27 Yes he said it in an interview in "The twelve powers of man" page 52 - 53

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@Chrisleon27 It was literally an Einstein quote from an interview with him. So yes it is Einstein's, but published by a different author.

@freemo @Chrisleon27
I heard on the news that there's been a recent uptick in drug violence involving cocaine and the "Morocco Mob" in the Netherlands- resulting in assassination attempts.


Yea apparently. But violence is so rare int he netherlands its still almost a non-issue by the standards of any other country.



There is no one factor really. Id say if we are to reduce it to the most prominent cause it would be mental health. Mental health is not stigmatized, the dutch are understanding and try not to have knee jerk reactions. They raise eachother to be mentally healthy and encourage the mental health of others. Thats all it really takes.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

There seems to be a different attitude to sex / nudity too, which I guess comes with the idea that you don't just people on what they look like.

Apparently within naturist communities there is far more respect for each other.

Hence here in the UK we seem obsessed with what people look like, to the point where people take ever more steps to look what they consider perfect (as in like some model or social media celeb who is mostly make up and software filters)

Platforms such as Instagram take advantage of this and send people who are less body confident pictures of people who apparently look a lot better, result is people people worse about them selves. Hence the rising mental health issues trying to reach something that is probably not reachable but accepting who you are is perfectly fine.


Dutch women are absolutely breath taking. I have never seen an unattractive dutch woman. That probably makes it a lot easier being cool about sex and nudity :) But yes they have a very casual and practical view of sex and bodies. Its not like other countries that stigmatize it and judge. But I'd say that is still under the umbrella of mental health. You cant have mental health and judge people for what they do behind closed doors with another consenting adult.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

I think it is also about separating nudity and sexual activity, as in here there is that perceived link that naked = sex.

So being nude on a non nude beach is seen as a breach of the sexual offences act, so people can't even go skinny dipping on a hot and humid evening, from an empty beach without being at risk of arrest. if someone sees you they could report you.

From my viewpoint there is a difference between say skinny dipping and flashing people, or acting in a sexual way in public.

Apparently a lot of women are subjected to sexual harassment here, comments, whistling, cat calling and even flashing.

So there seems to be a bigger problem in the UK.


Im not sure thats entierly accurate. In my expiernce the Dutch are sexually rather traditionalist. They arent likely to be casually nude with a person they arent sexual with. Yes there are exceptions on nude beaches and inside a sauna perhaps. But even then it seems to mostly be foreigners and when a Dutch person does engage in it they dont seem to take friends along.

That said they are cool with it from others and their laws do permit it.

This is a common pattern with the Dutch they are extremely tolerant of things they might object to personally. Most dutch dont smoke weed either, but most are perfectly ok with others having the freedom to do so.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

I think this needs looking in to more to figure out what the root causes of mental health issues are and how we can then address them.

No easy fix, sadly many people seem to turn to alcohol / drugs to fix.


As with most social issues it may be easy to describe the problem, yea extremely difficult to solve it.

That said while there is no one off easy fix if we accept the basic principle of mental health some fixes as first steps become obvious. For starters providing affordable mental health to people is a great start. In the USA even with good insurance you often will have to resort to paying out of pocket to get therapy at all. For many it isnt even an option.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

It seems that in the USA the big pharma companies call the shots so they want people to get to the point where they are prescribed medication, therapy is probably more effective but does not generate income for big companies.

Granted that is somewhat speculative. But would make an interesting thread.


That logic breaks down, even if there may be some truth in it. Psychiatrists ultimately are the ones who prescribe psych meds. The doctors who prescribe psych meds are just as inaccessible to the masses as those that provide talk therapy. In fact talk therapy is probably more accessible as there are affordable, albeit out of pocket, online services.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27 Mental health services in the UK are under huge strain too.


I think that **all** medical communities around the world are failures. Some just fail for different reasons and not all of those failures block access to mental health treatment.

@lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

@freemo @lucifargundam @Chrisleon27

Facebook grilled over mental-health impact on kids


How many more inquiries, reports, research studies are needed before we actually come up with a solution that holds big tech to account.

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