So it seems joinmastodon removed QOTO from their directory without cause, without contacting us, and without any discussion or due diligence.
Since this is the only way to actually find QOTO for new users if it isnt reversed soon it could mean the end for our wonderful community.
If you care about this place remaining fair, respectful, and inclusive environment I highly suggest everyone reach out to them annd voice your objecttion and your disapointment and having no procedure to keep this fair and inclusive.
If you want to see QOTO stick around you can email your objecttion here:
Feel free to CC me here:
Please be respectful, we want to show them we are the good guys and not give them any reason to object.
Also after being asked I discussed with our moderators and we all agreed we would block servers that conduct illegal business including sexual abuse and child porn. We have explicitly put this in our rules since then as is seen on our about page here:
"Offending servers will only be silenced, not blocked, blocks will be reserved for technical assaults only such as DDoS attacks, or legal issues such as sexual abuse and child porn."
So again... nonsennse.
@freemo @Gargron @trinsec @khird fair, thanks for taking the time to respond