Game of Thrones: Who spoke the most, and what?
A simple word cloud from GOT script.
@bevsxyz Mm, doesn’t look like that worked. Though I hope you get it to work. I was contemplating Hugo and Mastodon comments as well.
@trinsec I can get our toots in get request. The guides i found for Hugo seem to be complicated for me(because of the javascript ofcourse). Well enough for the day I’m gonna sleep. If I figure it out i will be adding it to the wowchemy theme and maybe even write another blogπ addressing my roadblocks.
That’s the simple curl i did. The json response seems intuitive. I will just have to figure out how the others mapped it to the ui.
@trinsec Okay for some reason, the get request from the code is denied!
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header βAccess-Control-Allow-Originβ does not match β*, *β).
I am not sure if it is some server setting that only the admin can do something about.
@freemo @trinsec i think it’s the way I have made the request. One thing i changed in the code was to use the cdn version of dompurify package rather than a local one. But from what I’ve seen the fetching is not done by the package and that’s where the error is happening.
Ha i saw a js library for mastodon but that seemed to require a token.