@EricOlson I mean, its straightforward... so if someone wants to kill you you can make sure they dont.
@freemo I get that's the intent, but when I think of likely and unlikely scenarios, a handgun doesn't seem to be the best tool for the job. Within my own home, I would be concerned that missed shots would penetrate walls and endanger bystanders. I've always thought the hunting shotgun with buckshot would have better stopping power, both literally and in terms of causing the assailant to reconsider their actions.
Outside my home, I can't think of many scenarios where I would have the time and the ability to pull a concealed handgun where it wouldn't immediately escalate the situation. Someone with a knife is likely already close enough to me to cause harm before I could pull, aim, and fire
@EricOlson your concerns are addressable. We used hollow points or special bullets that disintigrate in the homr to make sure thr bullet cant go through walls or people. My habdgun for the home takes hollow point bullets as well as shotgun shells.
Someone with a knife isnt usually the top concern, its people with illegal guns that are generally the issue. Whether you have time or not is another matter. Its also not always abouy someone targetting you, you may just wind up as a bystander who is the hero with a gun too. There are just too many examples of people saving lives with guns to discount the possibility anyway, we know it can save lives because we see so many examples of it.
@freemo it looks nice, but I still have trouble determining the actual utility of a handgun right now. They are fun to fire at the range, tho