@freemo sounds like a scam to me. I wouldn't trust it :)
@gpowerf The price feels like one... but: https://www.amazon.com/microSDXC-Memory-GoPro%EF%BC%8CSmartphone-Tablet-Adapter/dp/B0CKVNL82D?pd_rd_w=c8ZYD&content-id=amzn1.sym.6263f500-f8d1-41a8-ae3a-421efdf0dd38&pf_rd_p=6263f500-f8d1-41a8-ae3a-421efdf0dd38&pf_rd_r=0E3BK3E0KBJTZVZKSSD9&pd_rd_wg=gzhvG&pd_rd_r=e0ffb1c9-a831-4236-a739-a24e69f3a6b0&ref_=sspa_ma_st_pt_comp_1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFBS01TRzZZWTBIWk8mZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2OTQ3NzIxODc2NThDSEYyTzAyJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2NTc2NTZFVlpETDdXTTkyS1gmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zaGlwdHJhY2smYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1
@freemo Don't trust the reviews on Amazon. Recently had a seller sue me to take down a bad review. Amazon didn't give a shit.
So, they're openly allowing their reviews to be gamed by litigious scammers now.
@LouisIngenthron Was it just a threat or did it actually go to court? Thats bonkers!
@freemo I had to pay a lawyer to file a motion to dismiss. It was a meritless lawsuit meant to intimidate me, so after we filed that, they gave up.
@LouisIngenthron Just getting filed in court at all is a serious enough threat.
@freemo Yup, I got served and everything.
@LouisIngenthron Over a god damn amazon review... what the fuck did you say!?
@freemo It was an expensive item and they marked it as shipped in the system, but didn't give me a tracking number. When I asked for one, they cancelled the order.
So, I basically just posted that, mentioned how it was suspicious, and told others to look out for a possible scam.
@LouisIngenthron Sounds fair and not at all libel/slander.
@freemo Oh no, I know my 1A jurisprudence. I was very careful not to make any false statements of fact.
You should see the response I wrote their lawyer before they sued me proper. I tore him a new one about how meritless the threat was. I ended with something along the lines of "Is this really what you went to law school for?"
In hindsight, that may be why they went through with the lawsuit, lol.
@LouisIngenthron The thing iis even if you explicitly and knowingly lied that is still no libel or slander which has additional conditions... so even then the suit was pointless.
I would have loved to be a fly on that lawyers wall.
@LouisIngenthron honestly id imagine if you didnt fold or lawyer up and just ignore such things in most cases nothing would happen. Once it got in front of a judge and you didnt show the judge would quickly recognize there is no case and dismiss it...
Maybe im a bit naive but that is probably how id play it. I mean they cant win a lawsuite at most they **might** win an injunction for me to take down the comment.. Good luck they just spent thousands to remove a comment. Then within 24 hours id have a bot net going with 100,000 comments of spam :)
@LouisIngenthron Generally speaking not showing up will work against you if they have even the slightest hint of a possible case.
But as a non-lawyer with only the vaguest of clues I have to beleive that when the case is as absurd as it is here that even then not showing up would wind up with a dismisal.
I say that because if you dont show you cant argue your case, but to any half-competent judge you wouldnt need to argue your case for them to know enough to dismiss it.
@freemo From what I understand, that's the "summary" part of "summary judgement". A summary dismissal can mean they didn't even look at the merits of the case, because the judgement is based on something more procedural (like not showing up).
@LouisIngenthron Honestly only a lawyer would really know, if that is the case i think thats a pretty messed up part of our system then. A judge should at least review the merits superficially
@freemo From what I understand, if you just don't show up, you're likely to get a summary judgement against you.
Now, at that point the plaintiff would have to spend even more money to try to enforce that, but still.