I dont know who needs to hear this.. but you can actually disagree with someone, have a debate, remain peaceful, and if you still disagree in the end you dont have to actually rage quit and block them. You can.... wait for it.... just disengage and walk away.

Not everyone has to agree with you about everything.

@freemo these hand wavy bullshit accusations like "whataboutism", "false equality", etc. are intellectual sloth. immediately disqualifies any point someone makes if they are resorting to those.


@bonifartius I agree, but you missed the point... she replied to me with that, said I was #2 then immediately got blocked. Never mind the fact that #2 doesnt remotely resemble my reply.

Β· Β· 2 Β· 0 Β· 0

@freemo that's quite annoying indeed, and stupid because it's just wasting everyones time, yes :)

@freemo For some reason, believing they had the last word makes them think they won the discussion. That also explains the reaction of the covid dude earlier today.



Probably some truth to that. I wonder if they realize its all in their head. Like I still get to reply the only difference is they dont see it.


@freemo I used β€˜believing’ on purpose. It’s some sort of irrational, almost pathological, quasi-religious and childish notion. Their heads probably work like this: β€œIf I can’t see them, that means I’ve defeated them. I’m a hero(ine). The world is a safer place thanks to me.”



Yea, well its clear whatever is going through their head it is certainly something like that, very childish indeed.


@freemo @josemanuel i know it’s just a figure of speech but i think it’s not good to call this behavior childish. children have to (and are eager to) learn how the world works. they engage in such make-believe games as a means of learning about reality. it’s the polar opposite of these people which have reduced the world to a delusion.


Thats fair.. honestly its an insult to children to compare them to most adults. As you say even most children are better than that.

Immature may be the better term.


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