#QOTO is back after a long migration in the first stage of our upgrade. Now that we are on a new home we will give it 24 horus to see if the move was bug free (As it seems to be) and then we will start upgrading versions one at a time day by day.. The upgrades are prepared and ready and should be **much** quicker.
The move took a while as we keep a backlog of every message to the start of the fediverse so our media and DB stores are quite large and it took a long time. But we are back!!!
@freemo FWIW, my lists are now devoid of posts.
@peterdrake @freemo Likewise. I'm missing Home and List content.
We will fix lists now that we see the problem, no worries. The updates should be coming soon, this was a migration to infrastructure that should allow us to update with less downtime now moving forward.
Yea I know that issue. It is either due to the backlog in in sidekiq or a slightly unrelated issue I may have just fixed. But im actively working on it. Should have most of the bugs fixed soon. Me and one other guy are on it 100% right now.
@freemo @LouisIngenthron Another issue: I can't upload images. Using the web interface, the "uploading" bar fills, but then hangs.