regarding to the problem of posts missing, i think it's something regarding remote media. trying to fetch these posts by pasting the link in the search box gives a 500 error.
@bonifartius @freemo Can you upload audio ok on your account? Try a small audio file...
Yes - this was the answer before also.
@freemo @bonifartius
( You've asked this before twice at least with me, and we talked about this... we're going round in circles )
I provided you with example and links also and it seemed you looked into it finding/guessing it hangs on one of the servers that helps do something that for some reasons doesn't do it properly since it was working and we had uploads of opus/mp3/everything with 40mb limit until something changed or went wrong process of those uploads for months now (was said to be looked at over weeks).
@freemo @freeschool i never tried before last week so i can't comment on it :) i think i opened an issue at the gitlab about this as well when it happened