@kreyren I like the logic but I'd really hope for something more than buying anything from USA OR WHEREVER ELSE...
or talking about which one is better to tech-up to, which one is constantly rendered useless as another buys upgrades and seeing this basically as escalation through tech.... from those that probably caused / causes the wars... or at least plan for it and making good business from it... selling their old stock or whatever... and then makign some more etc etc's
Though I'm considering if you're in the game maybe... then rather than let things get bad (which let's face it we might have to then yeah you spin these things but I guess it's still hoping for peace? or communication! So what needs solving is really that and well I think those people are not interested as natural of the games they play. It would be like firing yourself from you job / existence.
Seems bad ways + bad ways = even worse ways probably
or just holds / steps up passive aggression rather than sense which I grant people don't have so this is the problem (Y/N?) and people want to steal more or things get scarce (whichever way).
But much of the buying could measurably be doing worse over time... actually I reckon it is throwing more money away (until people invade of course anyway)...
There's this inevitability there I have + the games people play U$ING the wars.
It's like a great game similar to the banks that provide money / weapons to both sides and then when it's time to cash in just give more money / weapons to the other side they team up with to jump in bed with for a while and jump out ( no blood on their hands obviously and we use money like it's clean or 'just a way of exchange').
It's like a rock and hard place to buy weapons or not... use money or not... defend yourself or just thinking innocently "I'll learn Judo as best as possible and try not kill anyone ever until the last possible moment!"
To let them even kill you more than you kill first... ah the life. I do feel killing first is wrong... although managing animals (if less human or primitive) can be hard / need long education and will for it. But starving people (and animals) will so react, so "feed the world you cunts!" and then we can sort all this out :) <--- forgive me (:
I will look at this again as I like the tactics but I don't like the tactics!... it was well said somehow but not the right game somehow. Such a fine line.
"peace through superior fire power"... ?
@kreyren This is where we get in a loop about war and weapons I think (it's probably me so here's a very basic view)
As you said if you "prefer peace through superior fire power" doesn't that mean your population is looped into working to pay others to build and sell to you? (maybe America which many don't want to deal with... and in $'s which compared to any other currency is probably weak and deiberately so/) ,,, so not just paying is my point
ad my point on top is you're not the one making it personally or as country (in theory you can't make it or is your country able?)
and then also the major manufacturers are also selling it to others *at the same time* thereby *creating* more of a competitive game no? Maybe you pay them to delay releasing it like a covid vaccine?
Looking at your sentence with peace adn superior fre power in the same sentence spells trouble for me. Actually negates effectiveness even if it partially or temporarily works and more just creates / perpetuates / escalates war in more readily puchased bombs and airplanes! I read you're previous posts before about why this model out-guns or out-manoeuvres another airplane model but still something about it doesn't just end there.
And then on top again more orders can be made with more toys and more buttons pressed and deployed, or trusting more people rather than some back-breaking way to solve the real problem which is proper peace and talking for hours... and even spending ALL THE MONEY in that... (if there is a will there is a way look at the tech we made and people might thinks we can't INVEST in more peaceful systems)
(probably all this doesn't work because the machine isn't the way - PEOPLE ARE... so despite all odds that's where we must head...)
but yeah maybe says a combination of how it works - I like your logic and things in some extreme do have some use like anything else
continuing the layers on top...
And then not to mention buying money (loans) from banks, increasing country debts (as we have) all needing to be paid back by the future children and becoming ENDLE$$ multipliers unless you can pay back before doubling etc. All fucking hard to do and even to ask future children to bear... could be better off not born than in war dying seriously - you s££ what has happened and happening all the time... did it every work more than just delay things and soften it out into spuermarket wars etc?
... (even if it's oil and territorial supermarket supply and demand stuff... whatever softer wars still are terrible and long term suffering and price increases ... backed up by these weapons I feel also)
Lots of layers there in each paragraph above ^ while not assuming anything or that I have a solution it's more about what isn't the solution also! Not maximum fire-power I feel... "you might get us all blown up" is the feeling or that the tech could even be stolen / hi-jacked / precision bombed just to wa$te all of our money which a lot may have been and I assume is inescapable... seems after a limit it's just digging ourselves a hole for pockets, in earth and only for us to jump into it or into the cockpits. The complexity seems clear - or maybe bigger the better and scares everyone away until the new model jets and then sell the old to the 3rd world cheap?)
Unless you personally can make it (or your country can manage and has materials I don't see it) then it's in someone else's hands ("USA! USA! USA!") also not good in MANY WAYS.
It could be Just a big pile of $hit and then you have to buy the later from BIGTech style setup who then sell it to others (who might be a bigger country to you in currency power, geographic etc etc, and again more and more).
And then spreading this kind of paradox of peace and fire-power (which I can accept) only spreads to others you have different mindset s (if it was just you I could trust you but other people in the old mindset pushing button, na)
What makes you think it's a good idea manufacturing and loading up guns, air-power etc and then it not turning on you (for many more reasons like the internal cases) which seems even worse?
But even contained to general country vs. country wars it seems a bit like a high risk thing which deals with previously VERY $HADY people.
Which game are you playing here that ends well with superior fire-power ? Is it just about posturing and hoping your own people don't invade others?
(you have to admit much of this unless you're as dictator is way out of your hands + all your civilian money spent $9999999 or however many zeros + lots of double edges to your superior edged fire power kind of swords)
@freeschool We have significantly better firepower and sooner ukraine is able to liberate it's country the sooner the war will end so more HIMARS and more ammo
@freeschool i prefer peace through superior fire power